
It’s the ABQ, as in A-B-Q...

Get a copy of ‘The Art of the Grill’ by Weber. Awesome recipes and sound technique.

You should try one... :-)

“I fear trees now. Trees are playing the long game, which is scary as shit.”

My Black friends might think you sound racist...

I use a block but I store my knives edge side up. This keeps the edge from sliding against the wood so it doesn’t dull.

Duterte dosen’t know jack about where our boats are, just that there are ‘two in the area’ with area being undefined. Add that the U.S. Navy previously told everyone that the USS Michigan was at Pusan South Korea and also that subs accompany carrier groups as a routine, this is non-news, just negative and sloppy

‘Nuclear submarine’ only means they are nuclear-powered. The USS Michigan (SSGN) was in the news when it visited South Korea. Any boomers we have are somewhere much further away in the Pacific since their Tridents can go thousands of miles. Our other subs in the region are fast-attack and accompany the carrier groups.

Tomi, thanks for generalizing to all white people; how about just saying ‘some’ instead? All I have for most anyone is a smile and good nature and that’s not bullshit.

Many sandwiches benefit from a sprinkling of celery salt...

Orcas in the open ocean are called transients, as opposed to Orcas that live in inland waters like Puget Sound. The inland pods eat fish, mostly salmon while the transients eat whatever they darned well please (seals, seagulls, fish, baby whales, walrus, etc.,)

“the United States doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to planning for what happens after America bombs the shit out of something. (See also: Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, into infinity”

Apparently, the good Doctor isn’t a paragon of virtue. His claim of needing to get home to see his patients is BS as his medical license has been suspended for “illegally prescribing and trafficking prescription painkillers such as hydrocodone, Oxycontin and Percoce...” and for soliciting sex from patients. This

Since this man is a Doctor and had patients to see in the morning, United should have simply selected someone else. Doctors of any type are more valuable than most of us to society, same thing for Military. Also, vulnerable populations like the elderly, and disabled or young children should be exempt.

But you’d love and defend the Electoral College if your side won...

I too, have experienced the unique pain of kidney stones. Mind-blowing, thoughts of suicide, etc., anything to stop the pain. I knew an Army officer who’d served in the Korean War and he told me he’d rather get shot again than pass another stone. Even women who’ve gone through natural childbirth say that doesn’t

Rubicon was excellent!

Whoregon will always be a low-class program, all full of themselves with way too much arrogance, ego and greed. $500 Million from Mr. Nike just to boost his ego.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And while I like the Beavers, I’m not one of them.

Another arrogant Yuck, who would have thought?