
i just want to use this post to say that gamefly is the biggest waste of money i have ever had. i live in central florida and the nearest outlet is about a 4 hour drive from me, yet it still takes the games 1-2 weeks to get to me. do not get gamefly!! your better of using blockbuster or actually buying the games. im

the demos not free if you have to pay for live



@Jandlecack: playstations online has drastically improved. not as good as xbox maybe, but definitely catching up.

my ps3's hooked up to a 9inch tv

i hear this story from 360 owners all the time. i only have one friend who hasnt had his 360 fixed or replaced. now i have always been a die hard sony fanboy, but if a sony product died on me more than once because of a mistake the company made, i'd be the first one in line to buy a 360. any one who's stupid enough to

there's been alot of talk about next gen consoles lately. first wii hd and now ps4. Imo it seems too soon for us to be buzzing already. and i spent $400 on a ps3 because i dont have the money to upgrade a pc, and i expect game consoles to last at least 7 years before they become obsolete. 2011 will make 5 yrs for the

@kakihara: it's like you read my mind

you all say no, but the majority of you would probably buy one. even if the price is high, you will still buy one because its apple. macs are more expensive than pc's and i see more mac books than any other laptop on my campus. plenty of other mp3 players do more than what an ipod can, but nobody buys them. even i

i actually read that george was invloved in the plot over a year ago. i think it was in the game informer or something.

i actually agree with him this year. they have plenty of titles for release this year that should help the sales such as resistance 2, LBP, mag, COD5, and home. and God of War, kindom hearts, final fantasy XIII and XIII versus are all in the works. more and more of my friends are planning to get a ps3 because they

what final fantasy game was that?

i didn't think battlefront was bad at all?


any word from lucas arts?

it kinda reminds me of that bike game in chuckie cheese