
He should have been more polite for sure. Do we know why she didn’t want to take the mic from him when he tried to hand it back?

He used the term “she and them” also to subtly hint that there is only her saying it did happen and a whole bunch of people saying it didn’t and the side with the most support should win. Slimy.

I feel the same about my bald head when people want to feel how smooth it is. Some of the differences are that there is no lasting damage to me and they are punished with a coating of head oils on their hands after.

Yeah, no way that was an accident. 

Hey! That’s a Nissan Leaf!

Now playing

Do we think she will be charged with something? I would hope not since it is her property and he was the one who started it. Also, does Texas have a stand your ground law? If so she should be very well within her rights I would imagine.

Please do. I would be curious to hear back. Thanks!


That’s more like a 36ft trailer which is like driving a compact car in trucker terms. I can’t believe he didn’t notice the train. Crazy video. If a train has to make an emergency stop like this do they have to file reports? is this ticket worthy for the driver? 

Does anyone know if there is an issue with using more than one app to filter calls? the ATT app and perhaps the first free one at the same time, for example?

I grew up about 40 min from there and I have so many feelings about this clip. It’s a bummer that they went so hard with the racism. They weren’t even ashamed and that blew my mind. I knew I grew up around racists but I thought they would try to hide it. two, there were so many missing teeth. three, excellent back

That poor woman. Who would want to draw attention for product like that if 1. They didn’t actually have a coupon. Could you imagine the news story if it was fake? No one would ask for that. and 2. That she was forced to make herself vulnerable to the world by sharing what the coupon was for. I feel so sorry for her

I live in phoenix and drove semi trucks on i10 for many years. I would love to know what part of that freeway is empty enough to justify this. Also, fuck motorcycles driving like dicks too.

Tell me what is to be gained as a society trying to solve our problems by your approach? I am not saying that civility is going to solve all problems but are you going to try to say that it hurts? Most of the headlines are a result of a lack of common understanding and empathy? How do we fix it? I am going to take a

It’s not that I’m averse to naughty language, it’s that I am averse to having to re-explain what I think to be a reasoned and logical response to your immediate insults. If you read my comments you will notice that I agree with you about AR-15s. I was just asking you to make an argument that would make sense to those

Gotcha. Thank you for the clarification. I now also agree with you. When I read just your comment I can understand what you were trying to explain. I read the other people that also responded to you and their comments seemed to indicated that Kendrick was the target not XXX. Really good catch about the song name too

I knew those lyrics as well so maybe I just need clarification. Who is the “Nino Brown” person in your initial comment? I thought your ire was directed at Kendrick but now I don’t think that’s the case. I think you might be referring to XXX?

Whoa. So are you wanting to hold Kendrick accountable for what he actually said or what you are interpreting that he could have easily said with a switch of a few words in the lyric? I am not an expert and am here mostly to learn but I was a bit confused about how he got rolled into this. I acknowledge that he did the

I agree. It was such a good podcast. My conservative father and I listen to it and it is a great way for us to have a conversation about topics that we might normally see differently. He has a lot of respect of Malcom Gladwell.