Karol Osuchowski

And if he says "(expletive) America" to the wrong red-blooded 'murican, he'll be drinking his lunch through a straw for a few months... if he's lucky.

Yes, their Visa can be revoked, and they can be deported (which is normally what happens when a diplomat does something excessively shitty).

If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.

I think someone should call up their hillbilly buddies to sort this out if Police can’t do anything.

2014 seems so long ago, right?

You said RWD V8 estate car by Jag. It already exists.

You don’t know how big it is, you’re purely guessing like the rest of us. They make like 3 sizes of car smaller than the Civic now, used to be their smallest car. There’s no need for it to be a tiny shitbox anymore.

My goodness, you good sir have just caused a life changing ahhhh moment.
I was intending on going to check out a 1981 Porsche 924 turbo this weekend, now I will really be checking it out thoroughly. I would love the sense of accomplishment I would get by bringing it back to life like that.

That’s the right move in keeping it, Tavarish. I’m jealous.

I LOVE that you kept it. Well done, Tavarish.

This brought a tear to my eyes

A decent off-the shelf tune can do exactly the same, if not better.