Looks fun! Upgrading your on-board cameras would probably be a good thing too ;)
Looks fun! Upgrading your on-board cameras would probably be a good thing too ;)
Or, you know, a 1998 Fiat...
You mean The Green.
Aspire to be a single New Jersey mom in an Affliction tank top in line to the register at 7Eleven at 9am buying three cans of Rockstar Energy and a pack of Marlboro Reds while your kid waits in the hot car with no cracked window, no future that won’t involve substance addiction, and no rear seat belts keeping him from…
I’m a Canadian living in the Netherlands. It's cloudy/overcast here all the time. Always. Even as I type this, it's overcast. Everyone here misses the point of why this is a bad idea. That point being we get two goddamn weeks of sun here per year :P
My dad owned a ‘96 GLE in my teens. Best car ever to learn to drive in. Huge soft spot for that gen Maxima <3
Fun read and some good advice, I'd only add that there is a surprisingly competent set of features on the current line of GoPro Hero4 cams in PHOTO mode, such as ISO adjustment and shutter speed. Additionally, the fixed-focus wide angle lens is 170 degrees, the quality is surprisingly good and shooting can be…
Also, I thought I’d just leave this here.
Lexus/Infiniti/Acura have competed with the German big three in the luxury up-market segment for over 20 years. Cracking the enthusiast market is a whole other story. The same format could be applied to Acura’s good-but-far-from-exciting lineup vs back when they sold the original NSX. Japanese brands keep showing…
There is no turbo because everybody knows the only way to properly upgrade a four-banger (and get the best amalgam of power + immediate, usable torque) is with a supercharger and comprehensive tune, like HKS did with their last brilliant S2000 build. In fact, HKS sells a GT86/BRZ-specific kit. Turbo shmurbo ;)
If it really gets a slightly upgraded turbo engine for other markets, Honda need to price it very carefully. It has the potential of being a go-to enthusiast car. I really like what I see so far. Already imagining entry-level/enthusiast/amateur race classes featuring this car.