
Most people possess enough self-esteem not to be bothered by the silly titles. Those that do, suffer from the inferiority complex, and changing the title will not mitigate that, not in the long run. How much training they get does not change the fact that what they do is guard prisoners and therefore I'll call them

I call a Police Officer and Officer and I would call a Prison Guard a guard, obviously. They work in a prison where they guard inmates; where is the mystery part? There is no shame in being a Prison Guard and there is nothing derogatory about being called by what they do.

Ever heard of a little Something called Xbox ;-)

I will agree with you, to a point. Android phones are winning in the hardware "penis wagging" race, yet once they actually see the light of day most, if not all, develop bad cases of "birthing issues". Some may be quick to point fingers at Google and OEM's yet I am inclined to blame the carriers for at least 90% of

What exactly are they "correcting"? Judging by the recidivism rate in this country they are not doing a very good job. They ARE prison guards, plain and simple. No need for a silly euphomism just to give someone a slight boost in self-esteem.

I hope you're right. The potential for a tightly-knit ecosystem between WP7 phones, WP8 computers/tablets, and Xbox is evident and I hope MS will continue to push the envelope.

"What's that black corner up there? I have no idea. A carrying loop?"

I am placing the blame for the lack of popularity square on Microsoft. They've done little to inform the consumers. WP7.5 is an amazing OS with tremendeous potential and I hope that MS will finally kick into gear to drum up interest among developers and consumers.

Stop teasing me AT&T! Just release Focus S already so I can give you money and two more years of my life! GIMME!!!!

As I am reading the specs and looking at the pictures and videos of this phone only one question comes to mind: iWho?

There has been no indication/confirmation of this rumor to be true. If I was a betting man I'd say it will be a global device just like all previous Nexus phones were. It makes absolutely no sense to either Google or Samsung to release it as a VZW exclusive.

That is because us Android users have the luxury of browsing the web in full desktop mode.

Too bad it doesn't support YouTube for some reason. Then again, YouTube sucks on ATV2.

For $900 I'd get a nice used 13" MBA that will allow me to run both OSX and Windows while maintaining the similar slim and light profile.

I frigging loathe JFK Airport and avoid it at all costs even if i have to pay some $$$ to have a connection elsewhere. Just saying.

Exactly. As long as the phone is unlocked they should be good to go on T-Mobile.

It should be noted that these plan will only cover domestic phone and messaging services. Most of these visitors would probably want to call or text to home, which will cost them quite a bit more. Then again, with data + Skype account it shouldn't cost an arm and a leg.

Why in the world would anyone compare the sales of products, in two different product categories and two different price segments??? It's like saying Honda Civic outsold Porsche 911. No shit!

Funny you should mention WP7.5 Just few days ago I purchased a used Sammy Focus on the cheap with a sole intent of trying out WP7. I must say that I was VERY impressed with the OS. It's lightning fast and I really dig Metro UI. What turned me off though is that WP lacks several apps I consider essential for my

In every regard. There is nothing about 4S or IOS5 that we don't already have on Android and have it better in many cases. I never said and never will say that iPhone is a bad product, I am only saying that Apple is way behind the curve and their desperate attempts at catching up with Android are rather evident when