
Charles Darwin will live on forever.

This price is insane when compared to other flagship Android tablets, such as Transformer Prime. I can't fault Toshiba for trying to release a viable contender, but at this price they may as well quit.

Well, if this blog was writing exclusively about US-based products then your point would be valid, but since it's clearly not the case my point still stands. Why even mention Nokia and Symbian otherwise?

"It was always an awful, putrid piece of phone software, an anchor that dragged Nokia off-course and out of favor."

Something something something dark side.. Something something something complete..


It fell tens of thousands of feet and survived intact? Quick, how do you say "bullshit" in farsi?

Believe it or not, Pope Benedict is well aware of the "Fire" command. He learned it during World War II whilst firing his anti-aircraft gun at allied bombers.

iDon't know iF iT's the lack of iNnovation or creativity that drives Apple to iNsert "i" iN front every product, but iT's gotten old and iRritating by now.

pffff... I pack at least 4.7" on a cold day, with my pants soaking wet. So, yeah.....

IMO, Zune HD was not so much of a victim of stiff competition, as a victim of non-existing marketing support from Microsoft.

Microsoft JUST finished the acquisition of Skype, so I wouldn't expect anything until sometimes next year. I am guessing they are going to roll it out across all three platforms as an integrated messaging client for PC, phone, and Xbox.

I am pretty sure you'll have to be an HBO subscriber, same as with Netflix.

V-Moda Crossfade hardly blocks out any noise, at all.

I have difficulty heeding advice from someone who refused potentially life-saving treatment.

Indeed. Somebody get Hague on the dial, stat!

I remember when I could do this with Nokia Symbian phones, and it was years ago.

So, this is what drunk blogger's grammar is like?

"but remained confused about how anyone would have mistaken his outfit for something dangerous."

"This 4.5-ounce dark chocolate measures six inches in length. "