Kotaku is so right for this though. Nintendo is a corporation like any other, white knighting for them isn’t going to win anyone any good graces with them.
There is a leak, a leak is news worthy. So it is always worth reporting.
I’d be curious to see if sales getting a boost after it goes turn based. Having played PoE 1 after Divinity OS 1 & 2 it really became apparent to me how spammy and unfulfilling the real time system was in comparison.
PoE 2 going turn based is definitely moving the game into “time to purchase” territory.
It gets good when you learn the systems, and you have to play to learn the systems. If you don’t enjoy learning systems, Monster Hunter might not be the game for you as that is a pretty big part of the game play. It’s a game for the people that like to figure out what the buttons do by pressing them versus looking at…
You can still be offensive and tanky, you just do it in a supportive nature instead of being a fragger that happens to be healer.
Anecdotal on both our ends I’m sure but that is definitely not true. Granted, there were a lot of other factors at play beyond just the group finder. The entire game was structured differently in varying ways. All of it came together to create an experience that was more social than what came after. Guilds, to me,…
Seem silly from a realism perspective but from a user feel perspective and gameplay one it works out for the better.
I’m always kind of curious where the anti-bunny hopping crowd came from. Cause to me, coming from shooters pre-console dominance and even then moving on to the Halo series from that bunny hopping and FPS are kind of like PB&J. Shooters that don’t allow you to hop seem like the broken ones to me.
I’m pretty sure the guy you replied to just did actually say that.
The stories being completely separate really eliminates any anticipation I had for this. I was really hoping it would be something like Divinity: OS2 where you just simply pick a lead and see their particular perspective on a shared story.
The non-figma figures are always nice but it’s just a shame the Ann and Makoto one have to be in some more suggestive poses. That’ll probably be the main reason I probably get a figma of Ann instead. Probably the only hope of getting something that is a bit more tasteful.
You also have to remember that the trope is framed in the context of Japanese society, and not a Western.
I haven’t gotten too far into Nier: Automata but Nier and Drakengard 3 were kind of the same way. The first several hours of Nier are...abysmal. Then you have Drakengard 3 which is a really outstanding story *cough* at least if you can get to the 3rd ending. (and if you can suffer through the actual gameplay.)
Oh my god.
Counter argument, nerfing (or removing) snipers and extending the length of encounters is the best possible thing they could do for this game.
I think that’s just a matter of you not being the target audience then. Even as someone that can afford it, I’d gladly toss away the 3D functionality for $30 still in my pocket. If you aren’t going to use the feature, why pay for it?Especially seeing as how it’s a dying console ; )
I think that’s just a matter of you not being the target audience then. Even as someone that can afford it, I’d…
The statement is made because of the price.
The statement is made because of the price.
Gosh, I’m always so torn with these figures. They are great but the fact that there are so many skins for these characters it’s almost hard to really identify with them in their default outfits.
Have you ever eaten a cake you thought was too sugary? Sweetness and sugar may be the point but there is a point where it starts be a bit much.
Yes, but you are implying that the focus of a main healer is to just stand there and heal. Either that or we simply have different definitions of what is classified as a main healer.