
"Great Scott!"
"Actually, I'm Irish."

While your point is generally valid, Type-0, according to Square Enix, was made with a Western audience in mind. So obviously the fact the PSP version never made it over here is deliciously ironic.

Go Team Venture!

I never touched Revolutions because Reloaded was so terrible.

I fell off my motorcycle in the rain at a stop light and bruised three ribs.

You have no idea how long I've been waiting for something like this. Seriously, I've had the Bagel Bites jingle stuck in my head off and on ever since I first heard it in the '90s.

It's even more expensive now thanks to inflated ticket prices.

There you go. Self-explanatory.

Are all your friends dicks?

Dammit, I'm boxed in by Big Bang Theory fans! That's disappointing.

I remember watching this movie, getting halfway through it, stopping to watch another movie, and then finishing this one just because I wanted to see how it ended. I chuckled maybe once.

Watched a sizable number of MST3K episodes Friday and Saturday, then went to see Edge of Tomorrow with my dad for Father's Day. We both had a great time at that. Then I watched After Earth on Sunday night before bed and regretted every plodding, charisma-free moment of it.

And man, did it soar.

Pitch Black is definitely better than Chronicles despite being smaller in scope.