
Crystalis. It’s one of the NES’s underrated gems, and a must-play for anyone who wants Zelda-style gameplay mixed with RPG elements. The graphics definitely need some polish (they were more functional than good-looking), but it was such a fun game to play.

Eight whiskey sours and he could still sell the son of a bitch!

“No. I saved your JOB. I saved HER life.” It’s nice to see the Monarch and Doctor His Wife are still actually the highest-functioning couple in the show.

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

Hey, how about HE can move if he doesn’t want to sit there? For fuck’s sake.

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

Anyway, we know where this is going: Someone is going to have to lure Donald Trump out of Trump Tower with a six-foot portrait of himself and force him to be president.

Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.

Outside agitators=Bad. Outside goons=Good and patriotic.

If anyone feels like taking their anger and disgust and putting it toward making your voice heard on the subject, I have just the thing for you:

This. I guess some people watched Idiocracy and thought there’s what I never knew I always wanted!

Still waiting for my arcologies to show up.

I did some research. It’s actually Carl Lucas.

I would laugh my ass off if his name was Luke Cage.

She was out at the DAPL protest ahead of most mainstream media, so she can eat all the fucking clay and sun her parts all she wants, in my book.

#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

Loved her on Agents of SHIELD; she's Irish-Ethiopian, of all things.

Agreed. She played my absolute favorite character on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I thoroughly love her acting and am excited to see her in something more high-profile.

This is the first I have heard of the lead actress. She is stunning.

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb