
"Seth Rogen Slams Crafts Store After Supreme Court Allows to Not Pay Insurance for Birth Control."

She really needs a Stacy & Clinton intervention because girlfriend clearly believes that wearing a dress two sizes too small magically makes her two sizes smaller instead of the obvious, it makes the wearer seem twice her actual size.

Damn that dress looks uncomfortable as fuck. Air. Tight.

You're kind of a psycho.

Leaving her quote bubble totally empty is such an Anna Wintour thing to do. The shade of it all... She doesn't need to tell you you're nobody because you should already know.

My first read of this was that the super high powered A list boyfriend was Lando Griffin, and I got really excited

Why? So you can both defend this meatbonnet?

Well maybe you need to read news on a different site then. Jezebel sounds too intense for your delicate sensibilities.

No, I believe in therapy, not karma. If you are unhappy because you keep repeating behaviors that are hurting you or just getting in your way, consider finding a therapist and working through things. It doesn't have to be forever. You can tell the therapist you want to come for x period of time and focus on y issue.

"That guy is following you"

I yell, "NO THANK YOU, PLEASE THANK YOU BYE" and jump inside my car.

I was overweight when diagnosed with bulimia and exercise bulimia. In fact, I probably weigh less now that at some points before getting treatment (though still chubby, but far more accepting of myself and aware of my behavior) . It is a state of mind and a pattern of behavior that make an eating disorder, not the

I'm generally neutral about Kesha, but I really admire her for and any other Famous Hot Women when they talk about this stuff. There's so much pressure on them (and all women really) to maintain this facade of effortless perfection that when one of them speaks up about how it's not so effortless after all, I always

I absolutely love Kesha. I BEEN on the Kesha train. So happy that she was able to go to rehab and get better.

"drop to the ground like a heap of shit". Nailed it.

That guy almost kissed it on his way down.

My boyfriend did Irish dancing as a wee lad and it influenced his club dancing adorably. I witnessed it the first time we ever hung out and about died of the feelings.

Now playing

Did you know that underneath their clothing, the entire population of the world is walking around completely naked?

Yep. Vandy may be dandy, but dicks get clicks.