
I’m going to disagree because shit happens (job losses, miscarriages, parents/ friends deaths, illness, parenting challenging kids) and even the best relationships have rocky patches. Tips on how to deal when the communication and/ or the sex stops because of life’s downs can be helpful.

Hello there, if you are comfortable with working out at home- GymRa, Kierra Lashae, Movetube, and Tiffany Rothe all have BEASTY workouts you can follow on YouTube.

So Rev, dressing as a man of the cloth means you want to be addressed as a paedophile, okaaay then.

I ride eternal; shiny and chrome.

Raise a glass for me, my friends, for I think I have decided to go ahead and trade in “amicable divorce” for “all-out war”.

My current fav fictional(?) female friendship:

I think he actually did? On the other post on jez about the model who was in the show - she said the majority of the pieces weren’t even his label. They looked like thrift store finds that had been spray painted and dyed.

Amber Rose was never going to passively let herself be molded into anything by this wannabe Pygmalion. And he can’t get over it.

I’m so full up of the first week of 2016 this is my second post in 20 minutes. If this week, and the rest of my plans for January, are an indicator? I’m very much looking forward to 2016. This was a whirlwind of a week professionally, socially, personally. Some major triumphs at work, including the CTO asking me to

For some reason when I first read that I got the idea that he was trying to hide his wedding ring in your hoo ha.

I’m excited that I made it in a timely fashion! Phew.

I don’t know about that. The guy may have cried when he heard about it. That’s pretty harsh to make a grown man cry.

“It is unfortunate that today it’s becoming more and more the norm for an accusation to be taken as fact and the sentence carried out immediately by the anonymous public.”

“Draw me like one of your fuckin’ French girls, yeah?”

Thank them for everything and leave it at that.

Merry Christmas my fabulous feminist friends~

The dark side: Let’s see, I’ve been home for the holidays since the 16th (working remote, yay, me). My dad and I have only gotten into 1,235 shouting matches over bs. My mom, maybe 10. You’d think I’m still a teenager from all the fighting we do (almost two decades out of the house). And my mom’s dialysis clinic has

he must be celebrating Festivus, which usually begins with the Airing of Grievances. You’ll know for sure when he starts either A. doing actually Feats of Strength or B. Talking a lot about Crossfit PRs.

I quit drinking three months ago. It’s been a little on the difficult side this holiday season but I’m holding strong! last night I felt like one little drink would be nice but I started working out instead.

My relatives are in town from Luxembourg. My 12 year old cousin, spawned from Lucifer’s left testicle, has been calling me Sasquatch since I arrived, and bullying my heavy set niece and nephew. I bought a Darth Vader PlayStation. Emptied the box, filled it with charcoal, wrapped it, and signed his name to it. The