
Totally agree with you about shrimp because they’re my first seafood love, but considering I’m a MD native that grew up with family crab feeds every summer... I get it. It’s the community/family aspect of it. You also know there’s a grill going with some extra stuff for the kids that may not be into the bugs just yet.

I had a funny “dinner karma” memory from the Boston Market in my hometown.  It’s now a Pollo Campero, and I grab a meal there any chance I get.

You have a perfect battle plan for O.G.

You share the apps, get an extra bowl of salad because *dressing,* and then after a few bites of dinner you have a full hot lunch the next day.

I made that chutney last winter, and it is incredible.

Saw Cop Land as a rental back in college. Roommate was a huge film nerd, I was just a movie nerd. We both enjoyed that movie *way* more than either of us thought we would.

I’ve had Bonchon once because I was near one for a work assignment and knew I had to take advantage.  Definitely worth it, those wings are TASTY!

Now playing

While I personally agree with you, I’d like to reference Craig’s dad in “Next Friday.”

McDonald’s has/had packets of “picante sauce” for their breakfast burritos.  Thicker than hot sauce, but not chunky like a salsa.  Worked perfectly for driving applications.

I understand having to sample the product “as-is” to get an accurate gauge since you’re a food writer. After some test bites for an accurate write-up, why did you not find something to help? Did you take eat these items somewhere that did not have any mustard or other suitable condiment?

It really seems like most everyone has figured out their best lunch plan given their personal time and available options. Not everyone is a “planner,” not everyone can/wants to eat the same thing multiple days in a row.

If you’re making me unwrap each slice, I hope it’s Kraft.

I suppose those are the reasons why we constantly hear about norovirus and covid outbreaks on cruise ships?  Because they’re so clean?

Mom and sister would pick one whatever pizza, dad and I would always get sausage and onion on the thick crust.  An order of Crazy Bread was obligatory.

With your PA connections, I’m surprised you didn’t mention the “Red Beet” eggs just to really mess with folks. I love that Rutter’s will sell Red Beet Deviled Eggs in their prepared case, even though the filling is barely seasoned. Nice to have in a pinch when I’m out of my own...

some of those hard-boiled packs will come with the standard salt/pepper paper pack so you don’t totally choke.

The three-pepper sauce on the old Turkey & cheese slider was a fantastic combo.

That’s the “secret ingredient” for a friend of mine’s personal recipe.  He gifted me a bag from his freezer one night and asked me to spot the flavor.  Had never had it in chili before, but picked it up right away.  It was a tasty batch.

Curious question that just came to me regarding Chicago/hot dogs/ketchup...

Have you ever had Dominos “Spicy Jalapeno Pineapple Chicken?” It’s pizza-adjacent with the same combo.