Karma Secret Police

I'm a long time delivery driver and I ALWAYS give people the benefit of the doubt, usually more then once. It happens, sometime you just don't have any small bills, plus I live in a poor part of Upstate NY so some people honestly can't afford to give much (some of the tips I've appreciated the most were a buck or two

It was our generations version of fake woodgrain

Yeah it doesn't have GPS and it isn't waterproof and there's no Android support. Yet. And you know that within the next year or so Nike will make one that has all that and more. So until then I'm going to remain lazy but as soon as those features exist: Day one buy.

I know it has a very "busy" looking design, but I really like the Kal'Reeger one, it would go great with my ski outfit

What this thing really needs is some sort of sensor that can track the saccade movements of your of your eyes in order to select "on screen" prompts. Typing could also be done on a virtual projected keyboard if it could track subtle eye focusing. Texting like this would of course take some time to learn but could

Meh, I wasn't a huge fan of Gattaca just because of the looks. For me the whole thing seemed sort of fake, the space center just looked like a mid 90s interactive science museum, what with those weird spinny statue things hanging from the ceiling. And a lot of times it didn't seem to look very "future-y" to me. I saw

But its in the deserts around Las Vegas that a lot of the town's problems are solved...

But its in the deserts around Las Vegas that a lot of the town's problems are solved...

I would do unspeakably terrible things for that E30 wagon. Or that Sierra. Seriously lets make a deal

A slightly unrelated question: Do you think that the 3DS and the PSV will be the last of the portable consoles?

Why don't you just bring back a DVD (or a VHS tape) with news coverage of the attack as it happened and shortly thereafter with videos from lots of angles and sources so people didn't think you faked it.

Must be nice to consider $450 dollars cheap...

All I could think of is the Seinfeld episode where Kramer give the Japanese execs oranges

And now we wait for Theme Hospital

Holy fuck , first Arkham City, now this. Do you really enjoy trolling us that much?

4chan really is a major social media content creator, that's where many memes come from, memes that are increasingly escaping into popular culture.

Same here. Until they release an expansion that adds the features you can find in the Legends of Revolutions mod I'll stick with Civ 4

No lobbyists, no SuperPAC-like groups, limited TV ads. BUT you have to put up with some noisy vans. This doesn't sound draconian, it sounds fantastic.

Speaking of Nooks, it sort of bothers me how little news the Nook Tablet is getting here and at other sites. I took my Amazon Fire back to buy a Nook Tablet and haven't looked back. Is there no interest in the device or just nothing happening?

While we're on the topic of Bullfrog Productions remakes, I would kill for an updated "Theme Hospital". Not sure how they could mess that one up by making it an FPS.