Karma Secret Police

We did something similar. My school is near a huge park and in the middle of the night we could sneak in with wagons with one or two thirty racks on the back. 4 laps and all the beer has to be gone equals about 5-6 miles and 15-20 beers per man, the losing team has to pay for all the others so the stakes were high.

Yeah my first thought was that the guy was a Lions fan but your explanation makes a lot more sense, I should have known

Yeah they were letting people with the National Team jersey in and this place is hardly an exclusive club, its just some decent sized student oriented joint with no real dress code to speak of.

I have a question for anyone with knowledge of European football. I'm on a study abroad program in Munich and tonight I went to a biergarten to support Germany with some ERASMUS friends. I don't have a national team uniform so I wore my Bayern Munich one. After they kicked the shit out of Greece me, my friends and I

There is a glaring lack of those weird shoes with the individual toes on this list

This thing is sounds fantastic (it must be if even Jesus is praising it so much), but I'm really, really hoping it doesn't go the way of the Zune.

They are going after two different markets, the "casual" tablet market that is the iPad's primary target, and the business/total laptop replacement market. Its not the ideal solution but its smarter then releasing two completely different products

I'm very very interested in this tablet, but I'm also very very interested to see how how Apple responds. Oh, to be a fly-on-the-wall at Cupertino today...

Extremely excited about this. People often say that Apple and Micro have are in opposite positions of what they were ten years ago. This proves that Microsoft has still got it.

Am I the only one who thinks that the line judge looks like George Bluth?

Now playing

Along with the dialup modem sound, the sound of a PS1 starting up are some of the things I remember the most about my childhood. To this day the PS1 startup makes me feel like I'm living in the future

What are YOU smoking? These things look fantastic and sound like an amazing deal, especially that all-in-one unit. I bet if they had little apple-shaped decals on them you'd be be loving them


I keep telling you Nintendo, I'm NOT going to buy a 3DS until we get a proper (and you know what I mean by proper) Advance Wars sequel, then I promised to buy one thousand of them. God why don't they listen...

Criticizing Apple=Trolling(?)

Yeah, nah

To be honest I did enjoy Modern Warfare 2-I was a fucking beast with the FAL- but when I noticed that they just kept recycling the same game over and over again it got old fast and now after playing Battlefield 3 and ARMA (totally different from each other I know) I just can't go back to COD, not even MW2.

Actually...I have played it very extensively, and I think it really is that bad

I'm so conflicted right now. I love Arrested Development so much, but hate COD. It does make me feel better that it looks like the Bluths are phoning it in

Hopefully this game will open some eyes. Sometimes I feel like in the US, and to a certain extent the Commonwealth nations, WW2 has been sort of romanticized. It was one of the few wars where there was unquestionably a "good" and "bad" guy and it was the event that made the US a superpower.