
Fair enough, I started out as a Domme myself : ). It seems like very few people get arrested where I live-though I've not gone out of my way to keep track. I do want to clarify though, I did start out paying for regular stuff, it was really only when the work got worse that I ended up paying for a habit. I'm glad your

Are you familiar with Hitlers work?

I keep having to repeat, "this is anecdotal" but I feel the need to reply to this. I'm SURE there are plenty of people in the industry who dont use. I just haven't met any. I've struggled with addiction for years, but getting into sex work was a massive factor in my worst run to date. I'd also like to mention my drug

Common customer request: pretend I am waaay younger-like illegal younger, and dress the part. I was also asked to pretend to be clients sisters-step and otherwise-on a fairly regular basis.

Thank you for articulating what I could not! I think that may have sounded a bit facetious but I'm serious. I got into a job in my mid 20s, and it started out very comfortably. Lot's of money, the power to tell my boss no, reject clients, etc. I worked for a reputable agency and for the first year or so I didn't LIKE

I've had plenty of "normal" jobs that were degrading too. The difference between sex work and waiting tables is still vast. I also said my experience is anecdotal , that doesnt mean it isn't real, or that it's rare. I dont know your friends, or what work they're involved with, but I can say im ten times happier now

What is wrong with what she said? Are you trolling because I dont see any anti woman, or anti sex worker sentiments here.

Fair enough! Like I said, my experience is anecdotal, but it's rare to see someone doing any kind of sex work where they aren't forced, or dont end up on drugs. It's good that people are more open to discussing the topic , I just feel that sometimes people are so worried about slut shaming that it's become taboo to

I don't want to be an asshole, but alot of the women who get into sex work "willingly" dont really want to be there either-it's a small small minority. And I know this is anecdotal but alot of the women I've known(myself included) that are in the business and start out wanting to be there and end up being coerced,

was recalled as well

Only a libtard would shove their cooking lifestyle down my throat like that , yeah yeah "HELP" FUKKK YOOO

Dude I've only worked a couple of banquets in my time, but I worked one with like 3,000 evangelical christians. Some straight up hit on me,others used trying to "save" me as an in. I lied and said I was already "saved" the whole time,didn't help much but GAAAWD.

Sure. I've spent atleast 6 or 7 years total waiting tables and have dealt with a TON of this crap. I've also dated a couple of customers. If a customer is polite to me, waits until he is DONE paying and politely asks and accepts whatever answer he is given -that's just fine.

That really makes my day for some reason...

aw thanks! remember the episode of South Park where Timmy gets a turkey? (back to the turkeys, full circle) I was inspired....But seriously he WILL eff you up!

"gobbles" will fight anyone. he aint scared of shit. be warned.

You know, im really not sure-I really only watched the pumpkin pie episode, did they give him like 20 bucks or something too? I've got a couple of domesticated ferrets pissing me off and I'd hook him up with some Kraft mac n chee to take care of that for me.

ahah I love that you found it on the youtubes

This man explicitly stated that he did this because he HATES WOMEN. Violence against women is ongoing, this is just sensational enough to dominate the headlines. I'm not going to reveal my entire personal history but I have been the victim of sexual assault, harassed and beaten and it sure wasn't done by a bunch of

I think it's actually called Turtleman. I saw him stalk a violent turkey in some guys corn-maze, he was paid in pumpkins which he had his mother make into pie for him.It's pretty amazing.