
Ok, you're right, I don't know her parents reasoning. But if I'll admit that you shouldnt pretend that I have NO reason to not be personally offended. When I was 14 I lost my virginity to a 21(22?) year old man. At the time I thought I was mature enough, I lied to my parents, and when they found out how old he was

and so was paul walker. google.

Funny you should say that seeing as how walker was dating and presumably fucking a 16 year old he met when he was 33. why is it this guy gets a pass?

uh that would be a "dourtney" situation. her parents let it slide because he was famous and rich and handsome....ol doug gets the shaft because he was ugly and obvously creepier. a (then) 33 year old, gorgeous succesful man should be able to find someone his own age. it's pathetic that somehow what he did is better

she wasnt when they started dating.

not taking time to read all the comments. but uh yeah he st garted dating his girldriend when she was 16 and he was 33 or 34? gross. he did a nice thing, but fuck that guy

I've seen plenty of shit sent Paul Walkers way for justthat reason I guess it just depends on who you're listening to

thank you alot for the kind words, and for the information. Like many other troubles a person can have, if it's not obvious, many dont' consider it to be a real illness

im not a shrink, so i can't diagnose chick, but from a pretty decent amount of research, and my own experience with the same thing it sounds like PTSD. It would be need if he she said she was bawling because he didn't care enough to call, it would be needy if she said he needs to call every time hes away for more than

it would be great is this were a hoax, but i have a feeling she was just shocked that something so awful caused her to gain followers....everyone reacts to trauma differently and now that the interwebs are so prevalent in our every day lives i dont find this shocking at all

are you talking about the article, or her tweets? i think THIS article is fine, and the womans tweets are what they are. I wont assume to know you were takling her tweets until you've confirmed but I can't stand it when someone else has opinions on how someone else should mourn. I know atleast twice when I learned

It's a sad story I agree but I don't think the website should pull the plug for the night, flty the flags at half-mast or take down queefing videos because dude it's jezebel. Dont be so easily offended for fucks sake

I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but PTSD and being needy have very little to do with each other, I live with my boyfriend now, but when I didn't he certainly didn't think I was being needy just asking to know that he was safe.

I have pretty severe post traumatic stress stemming from being in a horrible car accident shirtly after an aunt died in one (in the years since ive lost many friend to vehicular accidents, maybe its more common out in the boonies?) Anyway, I can't speak for this girl, but for one thing I can't afford therapy..Somedays

you're right..because he says things like "how long would kanye and i be best friends" and when i say "long enough that he would be the best man in your wedding to a woman you let him fuck for friendship" and he ony seems to thikn a little longer before okaying it

i have always enjoyed your posts. i would like to be jezzie friends. but now the benzo has truly taken it's toll. karly is gone now. it's all ballz and i must go

this is true..ive listened to yeezus-im not kidding-atleast 50 times since its come out, and i really do feel alot of it is really pushing it when it comes to being well...sexist and racist. it's just that simple and no lie, i just took my xanax so im not feeling fired up or clever. I do want to add though, i truly

i have, my boyfriend is a massive kanye fan and has said numerous times he would allow me to bang kanye or he would blow knye himself if they could be bffs...sometimes i think it's cute,other times i worry

I can't speak for braintree but I was with you up until what you said about some womens feelings being hurt. He says fucked up things about women, black and white. It's hard to get behind someone and their cause when his lyrics treat you as though you're little more than something for him to cum on, because you're an

p.s. I'm a fan, and think he's usually dead on about race relations, but the full on misogyny gets effin old.