Karl W South

Is it possible that the US would ever switch to something like an AV system? https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
Are the two main parties too dominant for change to have any chance?

I'm not sure if it was deliberate or not but the version of Denmark shown in the episode was perhaps more like the 'memberberry version of the country. Something like 6% of Denmark's population is non-European now.

The EU is on the way to becoming a federal state like the US, we already have common EU citizenship and passports. It'll take several decades to complete the process, but I really hope we make it. UKIP, Front National, et al are fundamentally opposed but I think the trend of history has been towards larger and larger

I think the sentence is unclear because it accepts, unwittingly I assume, the UKIP premise that the UK is somehow not part of Europe. UKIP make the category error of thinking there are two things the UK and the EU. In reality the UK is a subset of the EU.

So, just like the states in the USA then?

I don't agree Melfi's choice is the moral one, or at least not the only moral one. Tony would have ended Rossi, now he is almost certain to at least rape, possibly murder, at least one more woman.

'those that would ultimately come to be viewed as pariahs by society' steady on, I think many Americans still have a positive view of the Clintons.

I agree simple fatigue must have played a big part. I'd have thought they'd at least want to sleep on it though.

I see the distinction. The LAPD certainly had problems both with its racial attitudes and just the practical business of how evidence should be handled. Having said that I didn't see the space for a reasonable doubt at the time and I still don't.

Even now you think he was innocent?

So if you're in the jury room do you think you could have faced down the majority, '12 Angry Men' style, and convinced them to convict, or at least stood your ground and forced a hung jury and re-trial?

Why would a network geo restrict an advert for one of its products?

Wasn't it the male Romanov's who suffered from haemophilia? I thought the 'bleeding like a Russian Princess line' was just a (pretty dark) reference to the murder of the royal family by the Bolsheviks.

Thanks for the link

Did anyone else see the Christopher Hitchens cameo, if I can call it that? I wish he were around to weigh in on the Trump nonsense.

Did anyone else think Eretria could have easily fit through the holes in the gate/portcullis?

As a non-American, people watching the trial outside the US saw it as a rich guy getting away with murder. American football isn't popular in Europe, as I'm sure you know, so OJ wasn't really famous, he was just a rich American.

Just think, if OJ had shot himself not only would a hugely wasteful trial never have taken place but we might never have heard of the Kardashians.