
I’ve had just about enough of your Vassar bashing, young lady!

Do people REALLY spend their time desperately hoping the Avengers cast loves the movies just as much as they do? Considering this is the film franchise where several cast members had to apologize for calling a female character a slut and a whore, I think fans are just happy if they get through interviews without

I mean, I do understand it must be a lot of work...But they are also getting paid millions and millions of dollars to do it.

As someone who drives to a local theater and orders popcorn and leaves. You are not a monster, maniacal genius? Yes. But monster, no. 

Close contenders with BSG’s Occupation, Precipice, Exodus

If you’re going to trash another publication, perhaps you should avoid burying the lede in the second sentence of the second paragraph. Oh wait: you don’t give a shit about journalistic integrity, and this cynical exercise in click-mongering is the closest you’ll ever get to it. All Netflix has to do is hire writers

You lost me at “James Corden.”

There are other sites which will pander more to your opinions I assume. 

I’d recommend (gasp!) seeing the film before you pass that kind of judgement, but it’s 2019, so...

I won’t be satisfied without hours and hours of footage of Tyrion and the like breaking their fasts.

VV is absolutely Gen X, but it’s hard to bash two generations at once and make it sound “cool”.

Thank you for mainly writing an actual review of the movie rather than an attack on the actors within or, worse, the viewpoints they hold.

Hear hear! There is no greater villain than people who get drunk and say mean things.

Yeah, I don’t understand how two different reviewers can write for a website yet not adhere to the given rules of the internet (where they’re posting ffs!). Marvel Films are all the greatest and Mel Gibson is a horrible shit who cannot act in a quality film because he is a horrible shit. The fact one person didn’t

I’m confused by the argument here. I regularly disagree with Dowd’s scores, but are you arguing that his reviews shouldn’t reflect his opinion on the quality of the film?

Yeah! Don’t they know they’re supposed to write reviews specifically with halloweenjack’s tastes in mind?!

no, i think the chicago manual of style has the moral high ground, i thought i made that clear

well, if we’re making pointless posturing statements about alleged virtue, the Chicago Manual of Style never raped Okinawan women while occupying their territory so they’re clearly more worthy of capitalization than the marines.

I’m hopefully that this turns out good. I love Gunns work.  I still pissed at Marvel and Disney for firing him over ancient tweets.   Fucking cowards

“Food poisoning” isn’t limited to one specific poison, and different poisons / substances etc.  have different effects and onset times.