D’oh! Thanks!
D’oh! Thanks!
I’ll buy it just for that. Thanks!
The hot dog question has already been scientifically resolved. Spoiler alert- you’re on the wrong side of history here.
I’d be happy if they reorganized the way the quests are sorted. I hate having to hit B to go out of the main storyline quests to find a fetch quest from a random NPC or a loyalty quest. Just group everything by solar system/planet. Ugh.
- Instead of singing The Four Questions at this year’s Passover seder, stand up, throw my Haggadah on the ground, shout “Let’s shake it up a little, guys!” and perform a cheerleading routine I kind of remember from 6th grade.
We heard you the first time, Malia. Now get off the internet. signed, Mom.
Huh. Went to read the “Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals” executive order on the White House’s website and it looks like that one has been taken off the website? There are only 5 listed, and none of them is the “Foreign Nationals” one. Am I just looking in the wrong place or did they…
There doesn’t seem to be any danger of him losing the Speaker’s spot but this says a lot about how ungovernable the party is going to be with Trump as their example.
Every time she ‘hacked’ something I thought ‘yeah, you’re not going to be able to manipulate the environment like that in the game.’ I saw wall climbing like Genji, a personal teleporter, invisibility, and the EMP mine. Small automatic for the main weapon, probably like Tracer’s but single instead of dual.
Nice. I always liked the old Volo’s Guide to the Realms books. This is like that meets the Monster Manual meets the Shadowtalk section of the old Shadowrun supplements. I’m still playing Pathfinder, but WotC has been putting out some quality material for 5E.
Thank god. I’ve gotten so invested in that one where Alec Baldwin is playing Donald Trump running for president against Hillary Clinton that it’s actually stressing me out. I appreciate the reminder.
Yeah, I don’t get why it isn’t Winston or Reaper or Tracer. Those three are all featured more prominently in the promotional materials. D.Va would be an awesome statue.
Yeah, I don’t get why it isn’t Winston or Reaper or Tracer. Those three are all featured more prominently in the…
Don’t they? The sheriff doesn’t recognize Teddy either time he sees him, in spite of the fact that Teddy must have walked past him many times and presumably refused to join the posse every time. And Teddy and the saloon girl have pretty much the same conversation every time he goes into the bar.
Yeah, they’ve got guns covered, but that ignores the possibility of knives, whips, whiskey bottles, fists, and any number of other things a Guest could use against another Guest. Even if all the Hosts have the First Law of Robotics programmed in, they can’t always be around to stop Guests from hurting each other.
But even if it’s not a script, per se, we see the Hosts reset every night (or at some predetermined interval that looks like every night). What if Maeve and Dolores met on Day 1 and Dolores reset on Night 1 like normal so she forgets she met Maeve, but Maeve is still active on Day 2 so she’s all ‘hey, Dolores, here’s…
Yeah, the ‘don’t cross the river, that’s for adults’ bit was undercut by all the violence we saw back in town. But maybe you can buy a package that prevents that level of violence when a minor is in the group.
One thing I’ve wondered is how the stories sync when individual Hosts are taken out of the storyline due to Guest interaction. Teddy, for example, seems to be part of a save-the-girl storyline, but what happens when some Guests take him out into the countryside for a few days instead of letting him save Dolores from…