We met a mom, dad, and kid who stumbled on Dolores painting those horses by the river. The kid got the rare pleasure of feeding a wild horse out of the palm of his hand. That was a pretty exciting non-violent, non-sexual encounter.
We met a mom, dad, and kid who stumbled on Dolores painting those horses by the river. The kid got the rare pleasure of feeding a wild horse out of the palm of his hand. That was a pretty exciting non-violent, non-sexual encounter.
I liked the obvious quest-giver in the sheriff asking passers-by coming off the train if they want to join a posse and hunt down the bad guy in the hills. And then it turned out that he only appeared to be talking to the guy we thought was a protagonist, by a quirk of timing or a lack of a PC to trigger (or cause the…
Poor guy, he’s totally going to get fired after Kumiko’s dad sees these videos.
How do Alexandria and Arlington, VA both have Average Weather when Silver Spring, MD- a 20 minute drive only because of traffic and just as much a part of the DC metro area- has Below average Weather? They all have the same weather.
I love Varys and I loved him and Tyrion strolling through post-riot Meereen like they weren’t about to get murdered, but as much as he cares about the good of the realm I don’t think he believes in the Others. And since they’re the real threat I think even he is going to have to get sidelined as reach reach the…
Not enough pouches for the ‘90s. Liefeld would have sent this page back to the penciller and told them to put bandoliers and thigh pouches on everyone. Everything else, though, yeah.
But in spite of this marketing push, when I take my daughter to buy a Star Wars shirt the best we can do is a glittery, rainbow colored Star Wars logo. There’s Poe shirts, Finn shirts, Kylo Ren shirts, generic stormtrooper shirts, even friggin Darth Vader shirts, but to put Rey on a t-shirt is apparently a feat beyond…
Coach left, but they were over by 1 roommate since Schmidt moved back in, so they shouldn’t need a replacement.
Too bad there’s not a well researched and well written blog somehwere out there that could explain weather phenomena to us laymen.
I just need to say this- Darth Maul was not butt. He was terrifying, a real threat to 2 Jedi, and the first display of dynamic, visually impressive lightsaber combat. Every lightsaber fight we’d seen before Darth Maul was with 1 or 2 old and/or crippled guys. The hyperkinetic, acrobatic lightsaber style was the thing…
Watching that clip, I had 2 thoughts: ‘Crazy Eyes is great’ and ‘Piper is the worst human being on Earth.’ And that was just some kind of sense memory, since Piper wasn’t even in the clip.
I would also accept news about the Hipster Grifter.
I await news about Julia Allison. Gawker family throwback Thursdays?
"2090 called, you're dead and you wasted your time on earth" was Kimmy's response to Xan telling her "1996 called, they want their clothes back."
I don't know about DOJ, but Jezebel is accessible from the EPA. I'm sure it's because all the hippies here would riot if Jezebel were blocked. Kotaku is the only blocked Gawker property.
The problem, though, is that the Robotech mecha might as well have been made out of paper compared to the ones native to Rifts Earth. I GM'd a ridiculously convoluted game involving the SDF-3 showing up in Rifts space, even throwing in Mutants in Orbit for good measure. Good times.