
He looks frustrated but it's not like he blew a Gasquet or anything.

“It’s Chik-Fil-A, not Dik-Fil-An-A.”

Andy Fletcher is a repeat Violator who thinks his ball & strike calls are Music to the Masses and expects Some Great Reward for it. The guy can barely Speak & Spell, his strike zone is a Broken Frame, but he tries to keep Playing the Angel. He really needs to go back to umpiring 101.

I couldn’t agree with you more about Deathcaps Porcuties.

With hands like that, it’s no wonder he can thunderdunk the biscuit a full six fences away from the goal. You just pepper the dance floor and he’ll clean the jar, no doubt. This kid hasn’t even left the refrigerator, you just wait. If Minnesota doesn’t rattle the bell, I’m sure LA will be zipping up the bean bags. And

Lets see Messi do that! He could never host a tv show in spanish.

$cherzer? $uburb$?

Moore: [nudges Ragland]

Pendleton couldn't help Michael Vick with his sliding issues either when he tried to help Vick when they both played in Atlanta.

I'm not sure about his eligibility, but he definitely traveled.

Long Islands are gross. You're gross.

When police arrived Castillo's friend was charged with a blown save.

Well, I, for one, only watch wrestling for the articles.