
Wow can a game be ubersnubbed if they’re not even mentioned in a snubs list? Did I hit my head and Octopath Traveler II didn’t come out in 2023 and have one of the best scores I’ve ever heard?

Great and all for the people affected by the patch, but I still can’t play the game. Most of my runs end in game crashes that lose my run. Apparently I’m waiting on a PS5 firmware update but the experience has left me wishing I could get a refund despite liking the game a lot.

You’re clearly dug in and no amount of persuading is going to convince you. But do realize Monster Hunter is no different than any other game. You keep using Dwarf Fortress as an example of an obtuse game that’s “worth it” but I don’t care about city building and simulations so I certainly don’t think its worth it.

Who hurt you?

Deep Rock Galactic. My friends and I are completely obsessed with it. It might be the best coop shooter I have ever played and it’s odd that it hasn’t gotten a ton of coverage on sites like this.

Yeah I’m not sure what people are complaining about. I’m coming from Path of Exile, where the situation is largely the same if not worse. It’s almost impossible to even have a decent looking character in PoE without spending money and they don’t give you even a single complete skin set for completing all the league

As long as they’re of the same quality, I agree here. However sometimes a smaller game that is 4 hours is packed full of fresh ideas that don’t wear out their welcome and it’s clearly worth the price.

The current Path of Exile league is probably the best they’ve done in a year and a half, so I’ll be continuing that while inching my way through Outer Wilds and playing around with Super Mario Maker 2

Agree with your main point that the original comment is kind of a dumb thing to say, as if we shouldn’t be excited about another game like Dragon Age: Origins just because it exists already.

Walking Dead Season 1 is very worth playing. I never did much of the seasons after that as the Telltale formula ran its course for me, but that first season had real emotional impact on me.

I never had the privilege of playing the tabletop RPG but I’ve spent many hours playing Paranoia Mandatory Bonus Fun Card Game and I’m excited this world is going to be reproduced in a video game. Hope they pull it off!

Because there will be a Switch 2 before a major Nintendo game sells for anything less than $60 retail.

Path of Exile does this best imo. Choices in your passive tree matter but you can respec individual points as long as you’re willing to pay the price. The game also gives you at least a dozen opportunities to do that for free via the campaign.

Big kudos to Massive for addressing the problem quickly and being open and honest about it. It felt good to be able to use deployable skills again last night.

Thanks. That’s the sense I’ve always gotten when people try and characterize him that way without saying why.

Can you articulate what you mean by “The Joe Rogan Experience” right winger? I’m asking as someone who listens maybe 3-4 times per year when he’s got a guest I’m interested in but is otherwise unfamiliar with his doctrine. I always throught he referred to himself as liberal.

There will be incentive because they will continue to add heroes that will be behind the pay wall. Sure, you can buy them with currency acquired by playing the game but not everyone will have time for that.

I think to make it through the main story up to HR 15, you can have a lot of fun playing solo. This can be anywhere from 60-100 hours worth of content easily. Past that, it just depends on the level of grind you’re willing to put in and that stuff is always more fun with a friend.