
This is great, because they'll find out there ain't none.

No BioShock Infinite at Can You Run It. But I guess it'll be up there soon.

Umm... "every vent is functional"? Is the front grille a vent? Because that's a piece of plastic stopping up a big drag inducing hole in the nose.

Let's say, for sake of argument, that 1% is enough for a correlation. (That's ridiculously small to prove anything, but let's say.) If Call of Duty sells 2 million copies, that means that 20,000 players are inspired to commit acts of violence. Any parent can see that is not happening. If video games made players into

If it don't have Rogue, that game ain't shit. Just sayin.

I own that new Netrunner. It's very nice. There's no board in there.

This is what it looks like to ride a dragon in Skyrim on a PC...

I don't like cats. Drown 'em.

Because people would ask, "Hey, is he that one punter that did that one thing?" Why not just mention and link to connect the dots? It's not called the World Wide Newspaper, you know.

It's a game about hand stamps, you know, from the club last night. Also, if I play, I will have terrific tattoos and abs.

I just want to say that I love that mess-with-my-hair-and-then-stretch idle animation.

I don't understand why people want to play something like a werewolf or Vampire Lord (or a vehicle in WoW) that makes the character, skills, and items you've spent hundreds of hours to obtain just go and hide somewhere. I want to play my character. It's a role playing game. My role is not "I'm going to be a winged

It looks like a Hot Wheels toy. Do not like. I admit I don't like Porsches anyway.

I renewed my card last Sunday, the day before Reddit doofus posted his dire warning, and commented on Reddit that I was politely asked by the GS employee if I wanted to change my subscription to digital. When I said no, he said that was fine.

You are such an Apocalyposer.

How do I "make a Japanese account" to get this demo?