
My brother and I always thought that scene of Wilford Brimley going apeshit on the radio was funny, but that may be at least partially due to the fact that our father was regularly mistaken for Brimley by random passersby (around the same era). We still sometimes shout “I’ll keel you!”, using Brimley’s weird delivery

Used Cars commentary is even better

Someone needs to redo the The Thing video game and do it right this time. 

You also missed the point that Anti-fa chuds didn’t show up to start shit.

FWIW to the people with concerns about this book’s lack of diversity, stuff like this can be the pretty fascinating/entertaining for food/baking nerds from other cultures. I’m Asian Australian and I fucking love this kind of thing, like I love the old school CWA recipe collections here in Australia. 

I think 1917's ultimate failure is that it wasn’t whatever movie these people are upset didn’t get more Oscars attention. 

Listen I know my wife accuses me of being 8 years old a lot but sometimes I will take a can of sweet corn, throw it in a pot, add a hunk of butter, and vigorously shake coarse ground pepper until it has a fine coat. Few things in life are as easy or comforting. 

Last night, Iran launched missiles at Iraqi bases where U.S. troops were housed.

Hey, if it means more parts for Calculon, I’m for it.

Thank you.

The way it works:

I'd rather watch episode 2 in Turkish with no subtitles than have to watch episode 8 again.

How much do you actually know about Tarkov? Or are you just jumping on the click bait bandwagon? Lore could easily mean the storyline. Did you know that the endgame for Tarkov is intended to be a heavily story based and if they’re lucky, voice acted experience? Writing a story and recording audio for one gender is

This is probably why you aren’t a game developer. You are right, someone made the decision. YOU think it is bad. And yet, the painfully obvious thing to think of is:

What else would they have to cut to add this in.

You have no idea. The game could have been a shambles. So fucking tired of people who aren’t devs

Please demonstrate how it was a bad choice FOR THEM. Are they losing players? Are they losing income? Will adding a female model increase it? What’s the ROI? I’m gonna bet it isn’t particularly favorable.

Go ahead and render the model, complete with animations, and send it to them. Make sure you test in all environments so there’s no clipping and consider all the context sensitive actions the model might take.

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

Building a PC is scary.

why why why why WHY would anyone do this