Karl Alexander Borneman

Just because they don't think this particular joke isn't funny doesn't imply a bad sense of humor. Perhaps you have the bad sense of humor, in that you think inferior material is good?

I have a Steam level 3 and i got a card for voting. i had to vote 3 times to get 1 card

Agreed. FFVI is my personal favorite, I wish it got the same attention and love. Kefka breaking the world was so epic!

I'm not surprised at all that people who haven't seen the movie are bitching.

yes it would, and they are!

Well, in that case, I applaud your ability to make the same stupid joke as a dozen others on here.

Or Koth!

You may not be in Japan, but the Internet is. Your ethnocentrism is ignorant and irrelevant.

Personally, I prefer not to use words like love or hate to describe a piece of software. That kind of hyperbolic language makes me sound like an idiot. Although it appears to be a good way to increase traffic on a website.

they're all by the same guy, who is the subject of the article. Gotta be kidding. How do you miss that?

is it really necessary to shorten ridiculous to ridic? I'm sorry but that really feels like just plain old laz.

I never had a good group of friends who were into any of these games. I gave them a try every now and then but when you're just playing by yourself it's not all that fun.

It is, however, quite entertaining to watch people get in discussions about why the game either is amazing or terrible. There doesn't seem to be much

You're doing the same thing to him, aren't you, though? How is your comment any more "necessary" than his?

I agree that he shouldn't kill. But for a guy with that much power to never kill? I don't buy it.

If we're going to get really philosophical about it, why do you automatically equate violent thoughts with evil? I would argue that having a violent thought isn't necessarily having an evil thought.

Violence isn't inherently evil. If that was the case, all carnivorous animals would be evil. Is my cat evil when it

One thing I feel is worth pointing out is that with the Steam Workshop, and the mod system built into the game, it's possible to add in all the nasty bits that Sid left out. Use your freedom of choice, your freedom of choice!

I guess it just seems pretentious the way you look down on potty humor. It's like Louie C.K. said,

Part of me thinks, "this is meaningless censorship. That's wrong."

if i had been that kid's parent, things would have gone much differently.

1. that video would be at least two minutes shorter, as the entertainment center would have become unplugged. I walk out and the cords come with.

The correct answer was