Karl Alexander Borneman

The correct answer was


Good job trading immaturity for pretension. I bet you're way more fun to be with now.

They're using comic sans because people love to hate it. It has nothing to do with comics, which do not typically use the font.

It's more comparable to PS3 and the 360, in my humble opinion. In my mind, Nintendo seems to always be a full console behind. Which is weird because they probably have more console systems under their belt than MS and Sony combined.

The war hasn't even started yet. That happens when consoles hit the shelves.

What we're experiencing is the arms race that leads up to war. It's a COLD WAR! All propaganda and intrigue. And it's still up in the air.

Well, not "instead of", how about "in addition to"?

RE: Superman killing Zod

If there is such a thing as "objective badness" who is the authority that decides such things?

Fans DO want FFXII. You're not the only fan.

Don't hate on Ant-Man! Hank's awesome! Plus, if we get Ant-Man, we get Wasp, and Wasp is another great Strong Female Protagonist, and she's also quite brilliant in her own right if I remember correctly.

People who ask, "What is normal?" are just trying to justify to themselves whatever abnormal shit they're into...-Tom Segura

You could've just stated that at the start. Instead you prodded the guy with sarcasm and vagueness, and then played the victim when you were justly misunderstood.

I don't think "neccesary" falls under criteria used to determine if a commenter posts on here or not. Was your question "necessary"?

Except you don't really OWN any of your games, and you ARE limited in what you can do with them. You can't copy them and sell the copies for a profit, can you? And you may think 60 bucks is expensive, that will be a subjective viewpoint for each of us, but think about how much it cost to make these games. 60 bucks

I think it's becoming a part of our cultural subconsciousness, after awhile it will just blare constantly, all the time for no reason, but none of us will notice.

Plus, in GTA III, some of the side stuff gave you stronger attacks, helped you run faster for longer periods of time.

I think you might be over-estimating the trailers. After watching them, what I saw looked pretty much on par with L. A. Noire, and that's current-gen. The improvement of motion capture that came with that game has definitely carried over.

As l0ng as we're nit-picking over terminology, how does something have "barely any meaning"? Either it has meaning or is doesn't.

Now if only I could stretch this out to 6 paragraphs.

Technically he called the manga shitty. Didn't say anything about the anime...

I don't think I would count that as a sequel. Maybe a spin-off? Man, I'm playing FF7 on my laptop right now, it's way better than FF13. When are we going to see Final Fantasy Versus VII??? Squaresoft makes the WORST decisions when it comes to revisiting its own games. 10 and 13 got sequels...6, the best FF game of