
this is why im glad that the only card linked to my account is expired.

fair enough...i just assumed it was. i guess "involved over 20 developers working around the world" was an important part of the article.

im just surprised bash isnt posting this...

yep.... what he/she said.

depends on the game, really. im all for lashing out against players that are griefing or using exploits to have an advantage over other players... if youre doing it to gain extra XP in a quest or single player type game, something like that, then the exploit is part of the game until the devs say otherwise, and fair

the worst way to argue about video games?

netflix looks worse for me, it frequently gave me a 2 bar connection. pre update i would always get 4 bars, or HD

sweet, can you guys fix the melee now? knifing is fucked. 4 out of 5 times i try to knife someone, it misses - even when im literally on top of the guy - and then i get stabbed.

i believe the (nerf) refers to the damage nerf, in addition to the hipfire spread fix. i could be wrong, but i dont think so, and i hope not.

thats because they added lag compensation that basically gives the player with a shittier connection the advantage, instead of the other way around.

damn, i was going to post separate ways.... either way, those both make me think of steve perry, which leads to this.

you can still be in a party and watch a netflix movie at the same time. they might not sync since the timing of the download, and pausing and restarting may vary based on connection, but try "3,2,1...go", pretty sure that works.

im down with this, as plunkett has great taste. i like kyuss and fu manchu, but never dove really deep into either. thanks for the tune.

never mind, i went ahead and used the internet to learn something. i like those shirts.

while im familiar with many of the concepts on those shirts, i dont know that one. what is it representing?

is there no longer a kotaku section under indie games after the update? if there is one, i cant find it now.

its going to be in the next title update, allegedly.

agreed. the first baseball game that you controlled a franchise, and it had a sense of humor, and rpg-ish elements.

about 3 years and 3-4 months ago

hehe, you said almost 3 years... thats the magic number. mine rrod less than a month after the 3 year rrod warranty was up.