Did the fix the “Google Assistant does hear me say a God damn thing while connected to a bluetooth device” problem in 8.1? This is an issue on my Pixel 2.
Did the fix the “Google Assistant does hear me say a God damn thing while connected to a bluetooth device” problem in 8.1? This is an issue on my Pixel 2.
If it’s such a not a big deal, then why even mention it? Total virtue signaling bullshit.
“since he—sigh—has kidnapped Princess Peach again, the one part of this game that feels stubbornly stuck in the past.”
Or gun owners all being treated as lunatics because of one psycho in the desert.
In the name of equal opportunity and inclusiveness, can we please discuss Heidi’s toxic femininity and the numerous assaults she commits against Eric although he technically consents to all of it, it really isn’t consent because she forces her female privilege upon him and intimidates him into “consenting” to her vile…
No, the real issue is Union leadership if completely out of touch with their members.
The problem are the very “leaders” you elect. They are all political hacks that feed off your dues money and do nothing with it but enrich themselves. None of them actually give a shit about you. They then also turn around and give it to scumbag politicians that say they care about you but in reality also do not give…
(this was 2 months into dating and afterward she told me she was starting to wonder why we hadn’t had sex yet)
No it’s not. Everything this guy said is absolutely true. You are totally naive to deny it.
Are you going to teach them that guys don’t just want to make out and that teasing is wrong?
Here’s a life lesson for you. There is no such thing as men that just want to “be friends” with women they offer to share a bed with. The intentions and thoughts are in there, the question is how willing are they to try and act on them.
“Second Thoughts” is a bullshit cop out excuse that people that don’t think through the consequences of their actions use.
Cut your dick off. That is the only way to appease them.
“What did you expect when you invited him over?”
This was horseshit. A few weeks ago, Sterling Shepard catches a ball in the end zone, gets both feet and and loses the ball after hitting the ground 5 yards out of bounds and that isn’t a catch, but this was. Fuck the NFL. This shit is unwatchable anymore.
How’s that CA succession movement coming along?
You people are fucking ridiculous. There was nothing wrong with had he said. Fuck off and get a fucking life.
The existing AMT is horseshit and affects way more than the “wealthy.”
Any store in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
On vacation? Man, you need to put the foot down on that.