“Naturally, people playing by a completely different set of rules will take advantage of this, and you’ll suffer.”
“Naturally, people playing by a completely different set of rules will take advantage of this, and you’ll suffer.”
You’r kids are Archer and the wee-baby Seamus?
I was kind of rooting for NE so that there could be liberal whiny tears to see today.
Cranberry juice? Was he on his period?
Worst. Take. Ever.
Good, fuck him.
Has anybody that bitches about Steve Bannon ever actually listen to him speak or actually know what his actual views are (which is not “whitey is the best, fuck the rest.)?
Out of curiosity, how much does a Gamestop employee get paid? I always wonder when I’m faced with employees that try so hard to push things on me that I’m pretty sure give them no commission and a job that can’t pay more than $12/hr.
When are the genius Harvard MBA’s going to realize the sales commission type jobs don’t work on a large scale? They only work on low volume, high margin products.
So nothing happened in California last night that’s worth writing about so you come up this bullshit instead?
Now that headline is “Fake News.”
Steve Bannon looks like the savior of this country.
Every single door opens both ways. What’s up with that?
I think I’m officially done with this site. Fuck off and stick to fucking sports.
I’m pretty sure the Germans weren’t actively trying to destroy this country in the 1700's. That was the English.
“some things are happening in this country that have not happened in this country since before the start of this country.”
Welcome to free enterprise Move to N. Korea you pansies.
The 2nd repair kit is under a fake head on top of a cage while going the the maze of trip mines in the barn.
Is this a serious statement? Go ahead and try to building a 50-story building in NYC without Union labor. Let me know how that works out. You people are all mentally ill.
Dude, seriously, what the fuck will make you happy? The President literally just employed tens of thousands Union tradesmen on top of Engineers, Pipe Manufacturers and Suppliers, Welding Machine & Consumable manufacturers and suppliers. What the fuck do you want? In your perfect little world, what the fuck should…