Karl Hungus 53

So he’s going to ask questions about actual issues instead of fanning the flames of tabloid media bullshit? Sounds like this will be the only thing we can actually call a debate.

An honest mistake? Are these people fucking serious? They are either incredibly stupid or incredibly pompous. Who doesn’t know that you don’t dump toilet water down a storm drain? These are the people that want to in charge of financing our infrastructure.

Apparently Zorn is a Howard Stern fan, he hit 'em with the Hein.

That’s what I said. At no point was in “in the field of play.” Tripellete is the worst official in the league.

He did get a 15-yard penalty for taking his helmet off after the 2nd touchdown, which is nonsense.

You're right, they suck more.

Because we have to walk on egg-shells with literally every other group on the planet. It's nearly impossible to criticize a female or minority, no matter how justified, without being labeled a misogynist or racist, meanwhile, we just have accept that it is perfectly acceptable for all these other people to shit on

We're all just a bunch of man children and that's all we are interested in anyway, right?

Holy censorship. Not surprising given the recent revelations of how the media actually operates.


PC = Pussy Crushing

I wish I could get the thoughts out of my head a eloquently as you have here. Fantastic post.

So, on the day where numerous emails come out showing that the mass media is in bed with the Clinton campaign, basically doing everything they possibly can to help, all of these woman magically step forward. That doesn’t seem a little bit convenient for you or another other media outlet? Come on, somebody please

Wikileaks was killed by Lemiwinks in the South Park universe, so I don't think we are going to see it.

And then the Dicks and the Pussies all get covered in shit.

Watch any family sitcom on ABC, NBC or CBS and tell me how all of the men of the family are made out to be. They are all incompetent boobs that wouldn't be able to put their underwear on if their wives didn't tell them how.

Let's see if we can get Uncle Kyle to replace Social Justice Warrior.

He changed the headline. Good catch.

I thought it was just a play on "Uncle Tom."
