Karl Hungus 53

Maybe some guacaMOLE will cheer him up.

If I see somebody in my yard doing this, they’re getting beaten.

This is the worst thing that could happen to Nintendo fans. Nintendo received a 25% stock price boost for something they gave away for free. Why would Nintendo invest millions of dollars and years of man hours in games like Zelda and Mario when they can just put out cheap shit like this? True gaming will be dead in

I really want to vote for Wilpon in the hopes of shaming him to sell the team, but I just can’t pass up voting for Snyder.

Well, I hope you don’t really hate me now. It really does matter where you live. I live in New Jersey and my wife and I made $150k/last year. We’re not starving, but not exactly living the high life. (No kids, both of us are 33.)

Could human bobble-head Simmons try any harder to look casual?


Just buy the version you need, fuck this subscription nonsense. You should upgrade every 10 years. We went from 2003 to 2013 in our office with really no issues in between.

Could the lack of a hat indicate it is before Minish Cap?

I’m pretty sure the “Hero fails” timeline is just a bad translation. It’s not that he really failed, it’s that the Hero wasn’t there. When Link is transported in OoT, it is after he receives the Ocarina. He then defeats Ganon as an adult and is sent back in time to just before he meets Zelda as a child, but there is


There are some nice bombs in part 4!!

Why a blue tunic?

So, should all white people stop watching basketball and football?

Who gives a fuck? This is the way it is. Why does everything need to be changed?

Is this video horribly out of sync for everybody else?

So, no "Cleganebowl" now?

"but having just one woman in the core cast isn’t a great look, especially when she’s in an auxiliary role."

They must all be entirely the men’s fault.

If you could kill somebody on your way out it would really help.