
Basically all women need to do is stand up for themselves or quit the job. I mean they can just fall back on their immense trust fund to help them make it to the next job, am I right?

Need some tax returns to confirm this!

...or Ivanka’s dad’s immense wealth...

Tom is to weekly visits as Katie and Jamie are to not dating.

shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

I’m not sure I’d go back to 1902. You see, me and indoor plumbing have a love affair going on. Like, more than just hot water. It’s my indoor potty. In 1902, indoor plumbing was still in it’s infancy and sewer systems were not quite in widespread use. 2 ply paper wouldn’t be invented for a few more decades. And I like

I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.

You know why? because in this goddamn show all that shit could happen. I remember watching the first seasons saying “they aren’t going to kill Ned, he’s like a main dude.” THEY KILLED NED!! And that’s when I knew nothing was sacred.

Who amongst us hasn’t had to circle back through drive in after eating someone else’s fries. It starts with the bag loosies and next thing you know...

Two Corinthians agree with you.

Loads of pages. The best pages. Pages full of women.

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

But only the HUUGE boobs, not the stupid tiny ones. We have to have standards here.

“Yeah like boobs or eggs or whatever, you know, that stuff. That would be just terrific to give money to that.”

It’s there because I put it there.

I also read way too many of those seventeen/YM mag embarrassing stories as a kid. I haven’t had my period in 3 years but I know it would pop up the second I put those pants on.

Judge Judy is why I never lend anyone money. EVER.

Where does she get her dilaudid and the doctor’s name and how much and are sexual favors involved and would it be worth the airfare to Wassila? I’ll answer my own question: YES.

I’m assuming you live in western WA or OR, not out in the sticks with the inbred, Trump-supporting mouthbreathers. Greater Seattle & Portland are bubbles (which I very much enjoy), but there’s a lot of red-state idiocy on the dry side of the Cascades.