karim mcarthur

Iisnt that something I feel that way about oral sex, I only found one that I was able to lay back and relax with, he kinda took over my mind and took me to two places at one time. out of 15 years of marriage my ex- couldnt do that.

An orgasm is more or less like breath taking, pulling and cringing like feeling, feels some what paralyzing until the peak. as to being aroused you just stay continuously wet, and wetter while being satified the entire time.

I am a celibate woman , and every day is like walking in an orgasmic state, where certain fruits, certain scents, pictures. etc cause orgasmic sensations. I had an orgasm while filling out a job application, because it was for perfume, upon me having the need to ....... urinate I had the greatest orgasm that day,like