
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

Women are five times more likely to be murdered if their abuser has a gun.

I was enlisted back in the 90s and you didn’t get to touch a weapon outside of tightly controlled circumstances. All ammo was painstakingly accounted for each and every time you went to the rifle range or on guard duty. There was no fucking around. Because an M-16 is a deadly weapon of war. No one, and I mean no one,

Hope he doesn't get the vapors.

The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

So... how many lampreys is too many? Asking for a friend.

Oh, look, more evidence of Amber’s abuse people won’t admit as legit because they think Gone Girl is the most common scenario in society, instead of an entitled angry addict becoming violent towards a woman. Now it makes sense why she was carrying her laptop while leaving her lawyer’s office. Wonder who will get the

No, you’re absolutely not taking this story and that comment in an oddly personal way and overreacting and protesting too much at all, no not at all...