Kari Fiori

I don't believe all ideas are equal. Not all religions are equal, either. I think the very foundation of Islam, if followed the way believers are instructed to (the way Daesh follows it), does not mesh with a liberal culture. Like I said, if someone can assimilate and wants to follow our modern way of life, great. I

Yes, I've noticed that. I've also noticed that many, if not most, of the people who are outraged at him have never actually seen him speak or read anything he's written beyond headlines. I was the same, for awhile. I finally decided to watch a couple of interviews, and I was surprised to hear some things I agreed

My main point on Islam isn't that the extremism is happening in a vacuum. It's that people can really never get to the point of what the religion is fueling. Of course there are political issues that have fueled extremism. There have been more liberal times, when many women went to college and didn't cover themselves

I read through the comments thus far, and I'm surprised at how many people profess to dislike Mahar. Is it because he discusses the threat of radical Islam instead of calling it a 'religion of peace'? (serious question). I know other critical thinkers like Sam Harris have had the 'racist' bomb tossed at them for