Its really not bad. Its heavy at 900# but its weight is low and the seat height is low, so you have plenty of “Leg” to work with.
Its really not bad. Its heavy at 900# but its weight is low and the seat height is low, so you have plenty of “Leg” to work with.
Yeah, we have been told that they are going down due to lease end influx since 2012, and it hasnt happened yet.
Also, we have been told this since 2012 and it has never really happened.
I was in Orlando last month, Vegas this month. I have not seen one yet.
I was at the NAIAS 2007 when the Smart was on display. Someone asked an exec on hand about crash worthiness. He basically said that it was designed to do exactly what was shown in the video. His response was along the line of that it is designed to protect the occupants, bounce and roll, and keep protecting them until…
My back hurts just looking at the landing...
Jalopnik is slowly starting to circle the bowl with CNN/MSNBC/NYT. Jalopnik isnt eve trying to hide their agenda anymore.
Man, you got triggered by Army Green? What would happen if Toyota went with the real name and shade, Olive Drab?
You were literally living the dream!
I am 99% sure that is not stock.
Wait until you get your government run/funded health care and they sell your health records for $.01. Good times!
Honda has it broken out by plant on their site, adding it up with the parts and components plants it comes to 22,775. I dont think that includes management, R&D and support employees.
Back in 2004 I sold my now wife’s 1990 Pontiac TranSport in 2 hours after we put about 3-4 hours of sweat equity in the morning. We put it on her sisters lawn on a heavily traveled area at about noon and two hours she called us and said that someone needed to get over there ASAP because she could not keep up with the…
This. Every piece of it. If you can even vacuum it, I have no faith that you did any needed maintenance on it or really gave a crap about it. The truth is they probably “cleaned” the car for these photos.