This is that “both sides” bullshit. If there is “white domestic terrorism” there must be “black supremacy extremists”. You never know what to think when the FBI is involved.
This is that “both sides” bullshit. If there is “white domestic terrorism” there must be “black supremacy extremists”. You never know what to think when the FBI is involved.
I guess this is a dry plea for ‘rump to pay his legal bills or issue a pardon.
I can't believe someone would wear those baggy surgical scrubs. He must have gotten his inspiration when he was in rehab.
I thought the same thing. Then I got sad you have to think that way.
That bird is an American hero. Salute to him or her.
There would be dancing in the streets if he finally says nigger in public (or tweets). It would be couched as the death of the PC culture.
No win for MAGAt Boy. Too bad, so sad.
So the Chicago police and and their enablers got their fe fes hurt and they have chosen this hill to die on.
That old heffa will die in her sleep hopefully while dreaming she is being chased by a pack of rabid dogs. She deserves no rest in peace.
As much flag humping as 45 does, you would think he would have noticed. How does it feel to be “owned” by your friends who also know so little about this country, they can’t tell the difference between a fake seal and the real one. With this administration, the jokes write themselves but there are so many bigger…
“Contrary to how they chose to portray themselves on television and elsewhere, biological sisters Lynette Hardaway (Diamond) and Rochelle Richardson (Silk) aren’t stupid.”
I am ashamed to say that knowing that K & KK have chosen this hill to die on, makes me inclubed to feel A$APis exacting were he needs to be. That these two have decided to call on the Pumpkin Kaiser for “help” is a the smokiest of smoke screens.
Sad but true. For every young person out there protesting our injustice ststen, you have two of these rapper types thinking that “making it rain” and “concussed speak” rap is the best they can offer. “I got mines....” for a new generation.
Yes indeed.
Why do the powerful seem to know such shit people?! I know he was some financial wiz allegedly but damn. Dershowitz and all the “I know nothing group” should be fired into the sun. I was through with Dershowitz when he started riding Trump’s jock. The shunning he has experienced on Martha’s Vineyard should follow him…
Alabama is the most backward state when it comes to justice and just treating black people like people. Anytime you have a state that has the worst and most deadly prison system, pro-birth fuckery that got a woman indicted for shooting her fetus with a gun that was fired by another person, Roy Moore with his…
There’s a hiring freeze isn’t there? Who will be doing this, the janitors?
Oh the horror. Where is the CFOPs call for a special prosecutor? Surely they are concerned?
I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad for her ephany but I have to wonder did she ever interact with any black people? It must be nice to not see or experience what happens to many of us.
I see all of her genius conveyed in this statue. Be best.