The World Is Dark & Full of Snitches

I am thankful my momma got the hell out of there when she did. The stuff that goes on there and went on there.  Beautiful place but in many ways backwards as fuck.

Duck lips was culturally ignorant once again. What a surprise. That is the entire family’s MO. I’ll be glad when they all fade away.

I feel so old reading about these young folks and their “beefs”. I miss the days when I didn’t know who didn’t like who, who was talking smack about whom. Maybe I was naive. There was the music and the music was good. Now, I hear more about shenanigans than I hear about the music. Heavy Sigh. ~~

So we are not ready for impeachment yet.  Okay.  Got it.

In other news, water is wet.

Not enough stars.  A constellation is too few.

Include PTA, Favorite Candy, Who’s on First, Left or Right Twix.

With these MAGA-ts, thankfully, stupid is as stupid does.  They out themselves.  

Airbnb is full of it. 5 years ago, I tried to book rooms in Seattle for my co-workers, I have a white sounding name but the profile picture in my email shows you I am not. Never heard from anyone or I got BS replies. I told my white colleagues to book their own rooms, lo behold, no problems. That’s when I realized

OMG!  A good guy without a gun?!  How is this possible.  I dont understand.  That's not how it is supposed to work.

“...concerns over declining numbers of white people....."  This is the entire reason in a nutshell.  Birth control for women is next.  Can't have women folk running around thinking they have bodily autonomy, to decide when and how many children they will have.

This is fire! I am so tired of hair that is dry like straw or so shiny it is unbeweavable. I will definitely be placing an order.

You deserve all the stars. 3 things pro-birthers want:

My mistake.  Didn't mean to comment.