Sounds like this assplay feud has taken Kanye down a peg or two.
Sounds like this assplay feud has taken Kanye down a peg or two.
I live in WNY and we had a nurse in every school. They passed the meds, did basic first aid and were the place you went to if you were sick and needed to go home.
Yes, I grew up in Northern California and except for the very small schools, each school had a nurse that was there pretty much every day. It was her job to review vaccination records, check our vision, manage head lice outbreaks, instruct kids in brushing teeth, washing hands, covering coughs, and about health. She’d…
She got a dick pic when it was actually took some effort. I’m grossed out but also I marvel at the work involved. Wow.
A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.
I kinda have to politely disagree with pretty much everything you say. Having said that I’m no expert and like everyone else, I’m just giving you my gut feeling.
Re: Steven Avery. He so easily admitted throwing a cat on a fire. As ‘wrong side of the tracks’ hillbilly as he seems, I get the feeling that if he’d done…
Have you heard the undisclosed podcast? It’s from Rabia, a lawyer, who is the sister of Adnan’s friend. Undisclosed goes much, much deeper than serial. I mean each podcast roughly, averages more than an hour, and in between episodes there are “addendums,” also averaging about an hour. It goes into Great detail about…
Don is really shady, though. His alibi is probably fake. His mom was the manager of the store that he said he worked at, and she may have created a fake time card. The manager of the store he usually worked at was his stepmother, who lives with his mother, so it seems they were in a relationship. And that’s just the…
Some of us are lucky (cursed) to not have too much clanging going on.
This could literally be a headline from The Onion.
If he cared at all about the victim, he wouldn’t have held a press conference (for adult listeners only) that began with lies about how loud her screaming was. He made her rape (if there ever was really a rape) into a sexy and exciting drama, and he smiled while he announced it. Why isn’t he in prison yet?
He has also said the show painted him “as a villain.”
“one voice forgotten to this point is Teresa Halbach.”
Sidesidenote: I had no idea he was still alive
I agree with you on the color but hate the dress overall. The pockets to me read less “avant-garde” and more “I got oven mitts to match my pretty dress and I’m just waiting to take these pans out of the oven”.
I don’t know Coco, but I’m pretty sure she’s a grown ass woman who is likely very in tune with her child’s needs. Do we need concern trolling here?
NBC also filmed themselves knocking on the door of the young woman’s family apartment