
Check out his father’s history. My family came to Canada from the US & UK during Pierre’s time. I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s not grandstanding. This is how he grew up seeing the world. At his father’s funeral, Castro AND Carter were there. No other world leader gets that kind of respect.

Check out this thread..it’ll make you want to move here even more...

We’re no colder that the northeast states. Stay away from the prairies. That’s where the wind is worst. :)

Ahem. It was us in our 40s that were the original readers. #justsayin' And at 12 yrs old, it was the first time I learned the word "Doppelgänger". I can appreciate the ghost writer's success, but even as a young fan, I never thought he was as good as VC herself. After he started, I stopped reading her...

hahaa...okay, I thought the exact same thing...


Totally disagree that "Hannah's happy ending is finding a man to take care of her." I think it's more that Hannah's looking for someone to take care of her. The fact that it's Adam is because there's always been that weird, OCD, awkward understanding of one another; not because he's a man.


Lookit me, lookit me, loooookiiitttt meeeeee, said Shayla Pierce. What a twitter whoremonger.

Uh the earth is 4.54 BILLION years old. This is so offensive on so many levels...

Sarah has always been a hero of mine...now I know where she gets it! Challah!!

There was an excellent interview with Jian Ghomeshi of Q (CBC Radio) that covered this. Well worth the listen. Q: The Podcast 2012-4-18 Measha Brueggergosman

After 30+ years as a Redskins fan, I have just switched alliances. You, Chris Kluwe ...utter fucking brilliance.

I recently had this happen in a work situation. Too bad. I won't extend myself to do for another who holds my gender in such disregard.