
I can only imagine. A long time ago I was an addict and getting clean and sober is fuck-ton of work as well as a lifelong process. That would feel like the biggest setback, I think. You're clean, but it doesn't matter because you're sick anyway. There might be a lot of 'why bother' happening, at least for me.

It will be spectacular, but only until I have to pee. Then it will be terrible.

I have indeed heard about the ridiculous housing costs because I remember thinking that I could buy seven million houses for those prices. Still, objecting to aid for people because of goddamn property taxes earns them a one way ticket to Fuck You. I think it's going to take many of the vocal groups and a lot of

I worked as a hepatologist's secretary for a time, and we saw all sorts of patients with varying types of liver disease and level of wellness. We saw an absolute bucketload of Hep C patients, many of whom were recovering addicts. The majority were former IV drug users, but we had quite a number of smokers and snorters

I agree, and I wasn't describing Vancouver at all as I'm entirely unfamiliar. The city where I live is very conservative and very judgmental and would never take important steps like this one - would never even acknowledge that such a thing could be needed so badly. It may not be a class issue in Vancouver, which is a

I'm in London ON, and there is no way someone could get this approved. So much of London is upper middle class and so much of the rest is most definitely not. Guess who complains the loudest and gets what they want. Sl many aren't interested in helping 'those' people - boot straps and serves-them-right all over the

A crack pipe would make a better PM than Harper.

I think I'm for this. Vancouver already has a needle exchange/supervised injection site, so this seems like a logical next step. I know there's a lot of the use "should/n't" surrounding this - they shouldn't be using drugs, they should just quit, the city shouldn't be paying for someone to abuse themselves. Should is

I can go one band size lower, and I think it's time to start looking for some. I was somewhat put out to find out that even mini-boobs are affected by gravity and two pregnancies, so freeboobing is out. Whadda ripoff.

I was home sick they day they handed out boobs, and it's resulted in all bras riding up so half of the boobs are in the bra and the other half are all squashed and hanging out underneath it. It mostly happens when I raise my arms over my head, but any movement at all starts the migration process. I know someone will

I wonder how many early mornings and endless practices and driving and effort and expense the parents had been a part of over the years. Because, totally worth it.

For so many other things we'd be all "Oh wow, we won. Sorry", but when it comes to the Olympics? NOPE. SCREW YOU, WORLD. I feel super condescending during the hockey and I feel total ownership over all the athletes, despite the fact that I've met zero of them. Still, I'm totally smug.

I'm just gonna put it out there: Lindsay Lohan looks kind of not the worst. Well, kind of not the worst in the recent past, anyway.

Exactly. For example, did I want to have an in-depth conversation about nocturnal emissions? I did not. But if he's asking it's because he knows I'll be honest (or at least I hope so).

This is absolutely a great way to talk about various subjects with kids. When he was small my son asked "what does gay mean?". I told him, and his only followup question was "is that weird?". Nope, I said, and that was that. Kids are super accepting when they don't have someone else's bias shoved down their throats

For me, it's the word 'stupid' I'm struggling with, both as a mentally ill former/recovering addict and as a loved one of those in different stages of wellness. I can get behind 'senseless' or 'tragic' or 'a waste' as descriptors, because I think those are true when it comes to the damage of mental illnesses including

I chose to do drugs, but I didn't choose the person I was when I made that choice. I've been bipolar since childhood, and for a time I treated that with alcohol and meth. Lots of meth. It obviously didn't help with my underlying mental illness, but it sure did help with the symptoms. It's hard to be depressed when you

To be fully honest, I've only seen two movies with PSH in them. I rarely watch movies (related to a cognitive impairment) and they're just not something that's part of my life. I've still heard of PSH, though, because I do have internet access and people enjoyed his work. I don't think it's a personal failing to not

It certainly surprised me that my husband was so into football, but he really likes it. It says absolutely nothing about his character. He just really likes his team and calls the drama around things a sort of soap opera with real characters, in a sense. He is a wonderful man and a fantastic father, and he's helping

Modcloth sells a cardigan that I love love love. I bought one and loved it so much that I kept buying more. I have the same cardigan in eight different colours and there are still more that I want. If they ever make it in an eggplant colour I will stop buying cardigans and die happy, or so I like to tell myself.