
Upon a minor amount of reflection I decided that yes, I would wear plated teeth. I haven't figured out whose teeth I would and would not wear though. Mine, definitely. My husband's? No thank you. My kids'? Also no thank you (that would be some weird mommy shit). The thought of random stranger teeth make me gag a

I liked the Alice In Chains one. Not as much as Nirvana's version, but I definitely liked it a heck of a lot.

Thankfully (for my sanity) I made that up. I love the guy and everything, but ew. Dental leftovers.

I don't know, I think we're being too close-minded. I mean, my husband had his wisdom teeth made into earrings for me* and they're one of my most prized possessions. I get so many compliments!

I'm a nurse's daughter, so inappropriate dinner conversations have been part of my life forever. There weren't brains involved, though. Nope.

Part of me really wants to ask for examples, but probably I don't actually want to do that.

I very much imagine they do. The age-old question "what's hiding in this person's colon?" demands an answer, and the findings are very often hilarious and definitely worth remembering. The swallowers are also weird, but that can be more of a spontaneous act. It takes a lot of ... intent? to cram a Granny Smith apple

JESUS WEPT. That's maybe the grossest possible thing. If there's anything grosser than that, I don't want to hear about it.

I was the secretary for a general surgeon who, once he found out I was a fan of such things, loved to tell me gross stories from the OR. He had a lady come in with appendicitis, a normal occurrence. However, this lady had signed up to play in a golf tournament during that time and didn't want to lose her registration

I'm ADDICTED to those videos. I end up going down the youtube rabbit hole and watching a bazillion all in a row. I've watched so many that I find myself criticizing people's pimple technique, which kind of isn't actually a real thing. Also addictive: botfly larva removal. So gross. Soooo good.

Please don't invite people to Canada. I don't play well with others.

You're right. That's what's weird here.

I feel like this weirdo made an odd choice when it came to choosing who he wished to interpret. Because, come on. Really? THAT guy? That's a tad unlikely.

Outlandish no, but it really doesn't make sense. They DID have kids. It already happened. Sterilizing the parents now wouldn't make that any different, unless one employed that time machine. Since there's no way to know whether someone's children will grow up to commit a crime, one would have to sterilize everybody

By that logic, everybody in the history of time should never have had kids, just in case they grow up to do something harmful. Do we sterilize the entire population, or are you thinking of going the time machine route?

None is the perfect amount.

You have obviously not spent enough time in southwestern Ontario. Soul patch type dudes abound around here.

That was quite the opposite of "flipping out", actually. If you're going to get huffy and act like a twelve-year-old every time someone disagrees with you, which they are allowed to do, you should maybe take a break from commenting. It's not productive and it doesn't add to the conversation.

Do tell. How many people with mental health problems do you know, exactly? I'm going to need accurate numbers, not an estimation.

If he really fucks up and has to move home I will march over to Stratford and egg his dang house until he goes away again. As all 35-year-old women would do.