Karen Le Fevre

That would take several years though. His intended victims would probably die from old age before he could exact his revenge.

And there was Clyde eating lettuce. I appreciated that this episode dealt with some pretty heavy philosophical/moral conundrums. Didn't really delve into them but it made me think, strands going in many directions.

Mat, by no stretch of the imagination are you disabled!

Carol will probably beat Beth to it.

Or somehow managed to get to NORAD.

I'm betting that it's Beth body that Darryl is burning on the hospital's roof top garden. The bundle is small and feminine and Carol's reaction is a clue too.

That's the obvious part, but where is the story going that will make the least bit of sense. I realize that's asking a lot but still.

I guess it's wait and see what happens. Are Beth and Carol going to make a break out? The rest of the group coming to the rescue and killing the other humans in the hospital? This hospital setting really lacked just about everything.

Where are we supposed to be going with this? It just didn't work for me

The logistics of the magnet/bullets was problematic for me too. How not to notice the installation and removal of such a large object???

Highlight; Clyde's appearance.

"You're a terrible liar"," You're a terrible boss"…….best moment in this episode.

magnificently grotesque. All of it.

Really agree with the scene of Maranzano's stabbing. Julius Caesar was the first thing that came into my mind. "Et tu Brutus?"

Top notch acting from all the characters.

Ms. Davis is amazing!

What an arrogant asshole.

The pinnacle of Art Deco.

I'm curious about that too but maybe some of this background will unfold in future episodes. I hope.

I'm glad to see that issue addressed. A massive releasing of the slaves in any society would create a lot of chaos and economic turmoil. The old tutor wanted his position and his home back. Danys solution for him was apt, better to live as a contract employee than homeless and hungry.