
Funny how, because of this one instance, the knives are out for Jezebel previously pointing out that missing women of color often don’t receive adequate coverage in the media or concern from authorities. Yes, the current crop of writers leaves a lot to be desired, but it's not a lie to point out that black, brown, and

I only know about three people who have been to a Chicago Fire MSL game in the past five or six seasons. And they average 15,000 fans in a stadium (Soldier Field) that holds 61,000. So they should probably just shut that whole thing down. I honestly don’t know why the MSL even exists.

Even if it turns out she was not in danger. A young woman who disappeared, but her car, phone and wallet were left behind should be searched for high and low. A runaway or a mentally ill woman going about with no money, phone or transportation is exactly the kind of vulnerable person who would be easy target for harm.

A lot of people said this was fishy from the start. I was late to the story and by the time I read about it, the focus seemed to be on whether or not she was faking it.

What a shitty take.

I’m so disappointed in this article and many others. Jezebel has really declined by promoting hot takes / clickbait vs well researched articles. There’s been a few thoughtful long form pieces which feel like a breath of fresh air, but used to be more of the norm. It’s strange the focus on the wife. From what I’ve read

I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth

rachel maddow did a great segment on this last night. essentially, these people want to arrest you for traveling to do something that is legal in one state b/c it is illegal in the state where they live.  what happened to the party of limited government?

You know your career is winding down when you have a Las Vegas residency.

how the chicken fried fuck is it disrespectful??? People pay to attend shows, see the artists they love, and part of that is getting photos. Getting a photo at a concert with your favorite artist in the backround is completely normal. These folks would have nothing without their fans, Maybe it is about goddamn time

Miranda Lambert seems like a cranky, mean broad.

If these people don’t want to let others have the right to privacy then these Republicans should expect a right to privacy either. So chase them out of the restaurants, hair salons, local pubs, festivals, etc. Their whining only highlights the hypocrisy when people like Justice Thomas complain they can’t enjoy their mi

Yeah, we’re not talking about a stage play or symphony performance, especially when your chosen genre and branding is based on “rowdiness” and being “outlaws”

I agree. I don’t know. I don’t want to say it but I side with these women OR let’s just say the “fans.” They paid for a show. There is no contract saying your attention has to be focused on the performer at all moments. If Lambert gets this flustered during a performance by a selfie, even one with flash, I have

Boomer-ass comment section here. It’s a pop-country singer at a Las Vegas planet hollywood, not Yo-Yo Ma. It’s so weird how mad people get about taking selfies.

Given what is known about her conservancy? Her movements were not her own for some time. Jamie kept a tight leash and the drugs kept her compliant.

Really that’s one hell of a take. Hill wrote those abusive texts with his own hand, but it’s the victims is bad because she released them? That’s rich. 

I think you are saying he tried desperately to abuse her but she got the fuck out before bones were broken? Did you know that 9x% of physical abuse starts with controlling behavior?

I even have a problem with the “he should have dated someone who doesn’t offend his sensibilities to begin with” type of response. This kind of guy doesn’t want a partner who conforms to his desires, he specifically wants someone who doesn’t so he can take her down a peg and exert control by making increasingly strict

Anyone who watched the documentary Hill made about his therapist and his relationship with his therapist could have clocked this. That documentary is a big mess of boundaries. His therapist and him tell each other they love each other. He invites a documentary crew he’s directing into his therapy sessions. He explores