It would certainly explain her fashion and plastic surgery choices.
It would certainly explain her fashion and plastic surgery choices.
Kirk is still out there too, so it’s a team effort.
I’m saying this without an ounce of sarcasm: get offline. Please. Take a break fro social media for a week. Don’t go to comment sections... just disconnect. It’ll really do you wonders.
Gaslight? Sure man, that’s exactly what I was doing (◔_◔)
I’m endowed with multiple forms of awkwardness so I mostly make fun of myself.
You don’t?
You are oddly invested in this.
I’m going to do something I’ll potentially regret and pull you out of the Grays since you don’t seem to be a random troll (at least that’s what I gathered from skimming your previous posts).
I get what you’re saying. Just to be clear, I’m glad that her victims are heard and the accusations are taken seriously. My ire is mainly directed at all the randos who have nothing better to do than to pile on out of sheer lust for additional outrage.
Nah... Someone posted another clip where you can see more clearly that it’s green and see her walk from another microphone where she was presumably singing the Wicked song. It tracks.
Watch the video. It’s clearly green paint. Last I checked, Kermitface wasn’t a thing.
I don’t think that’s what’s happened here at all.
“This is my family & my representation. I have standards & morals to what I believe.”
Shouldn’t they have a sign or perhaps a simple wood frame that says if you can’t fit in here, don’t try driving through tree? I mean, if you trust people to use sound judgement, you’re definitely going to run into quite a few cases of people’s cars getting stuck in there.
“On cue,” not “on queue.”
As a younger member of Gen X, my head is still intact, but I might have a minor headache after reading this story.
I feel like if I tried to explain this story to my parents in the 80s, their heads would explode.
She sent a kid her underwear.
That doesn’t mean she didn’t intend to. Just because it never led to something physical (that we know of), doesn’t mean it wasn’t grooming. But no adult should ever act this way around children, it’s inappropriate and abusive.
This isn’t a news source, it’s a blog. It’s completely opinion.