
You’re assuming they have a level of self-awareness and common sense they simply do not have. Sure, they’d say, that guy died but he probably died of something else because we all know if you get hit by a car the hospital writes “COVID” on the death certificate so they can rake in those sweet sweet Coronabucks.

I can’t wait for divorce.

Every day I think I’ve seen the stupidest thing, until the next day.

As someone who tries to work from home with daughters (and a son), I am sympathetic to anyone who encourages irresponsible firearm usage around my children, but that may just be the complete and utter burnout speaking.

Well he flat out demanded Bill Barr arrest his political rival, his previous rival and immediate predecessor today for ... reasons.  He is going to get worse every day until the election, particularly if polls keep getting worse for him (and crazy isn’t a good way to reverse that).

I’m anxiously awaiting the next few days to see if he crashes or not from all those high doses of steroids. 

It’s so hard to tell with him; it could be drug-induced insanity or just the kind he already had.

Does.. does... Trump really think that seniors — and his supporters as a whole — really don’t know he is in his 70s and the oldest first term president?

That is brutal.

You need to delete this comment immediately lest some jackass out there gives them this idea. Because if 2020 has taught me anything it’s that this administration CAN and WILL always do the worst.

Bullshit. Millions of people deal with more stressful jobs every day that matter a hell of a lot more than her and pay a hell of a lot less. No one says she needs to do it with a smile on her face but she sure as shit needs to treat people with respect.

Fuck Ellen DeGeneres and her privileged life. While the rest of us are fighting for our literal survival in this hellscape of a country run by the criminal GOP and an election that we are terrified about she is busy laughing in our faces.

You probably thought that call was about you. 

How much lurking do you think he does on Stormfront, or possibly outright posting? The Roman references & “alt-lite” forms of xenophobia really gives him the air of a “hide your power level” fascist.

If you’re 25 and support the GOP you are either a fucking moron, a rich asshole with rich asshole parents, or a white nationalist. Whichever it is, I have no interest in anything this guy has to say. 

Is..is this a real question? Half hearted handiest are always okay.

Ugh, so much work. Half hearted handy while watching TV okay?

I always found Gohmert’s stupidity quite humorous in the past. Those days a long over. All these fucking fascists need to be ousted. Gohemrt can go back to Texas and mismanage some ghost town Dairy Queen.

It’s 100% about himself. His Waddlin’ Don Traveling Road Show with the packed arenas full of sweaty braying Trumpies isn’t going to play well, especially now with COVID tearing through Trumpland like it is. No one’s in the mood to salute him and roar with glee while he gyrates and hurls insults at everyone but