I find him unwatchable because I can’t ever take him seriously in any role anymore. He just always looks and acts so ridiculous
I find him unwatchable because I can’t ever take him seriously in any role anymore. He just always looks and acts so ridiculous
So I’m sure they will show up, so what is up with the weirdly passionate Depp defenders that show up in every comments section?
Can we take a moment to talk about dog park Karen’s “apology.” She knew what she was doing. Her excuse that she didn’t makes me hate her more. She doubled down, in her apology she’s trying to make herself the victim again. She’s earned everything that has come her way. And I’m tired of them bringing out out the tired…
I’m just another reader who appreciates what you and everyone else here does. Just wanted to say thank you.
Did you write that headline? Cause “The storm that never passes” is fucking brilliant.
Every day, we deeply appreciate the work you do. We understand that you all must pay steep emotional tolls to traverse a journalist’s road. We reap the benefits of your commitment and hope that you know we don’t take you for granted. Respect. Gratitude. Peace. Thanks so much.
Trump is a virulent racist and bigot. And millions of people voted for him. You can debate how many voted for him explicitly because of his racism but all who support him are and always have been complicit. The only thing Trump has been consistently honest about is what a garbage human he is. He never stops telling us…
but darth cheney hasn’t taken any european vacations, has he?
Why yes, yes he would like to have a variety of avenues to insure his reelection and retain power at his disposal: Gerrymandered districts, closed polling sites, Democratic voters turned away, invalidation of mail-in votes, Russian technological interference but oh...most of all, he’d LOVE the chance to play a Wartime…
A friends said to me the other day that there should be another Nuremberg Trials after the Trump administration, carried out on behalf of the World. I agree.
Yes quantumbeepreturns, I can see why you dismissed this reply as it did actually make a lot of sense, but didn’t you just call me out for doing the same thing? Lol:
I am looking forward to Trump’s trial, conviction and execution for crimes against humanity. His own vile words are evidence enough against him.
Trump is an evil opportunist. Just as he allowed the coronavirus to run rampant in black communities, so will he exploit these protests against injustice in order to make our people suffer more. His henchman Steven Miller is whispering these old-time racist phrases into Trump’s ear as his tiny thumbs transcribe them…
There’s a reason the regular military almost never handles riots anymore that’s because they have a tendency to kill more people than the cops in these situations but I guess he wants Detroit 1967 2.0 before the election.
I cannot fathom how being anti-racist is controversial. This whole country needs a do-over.
Aaand right on cue, the racist, sub-human knuckle-draggers have manifested in the comments.
TIL being anti-racism is a controversial position, and some people hate profanity more than racism. Love America!
Dear white people, you can’t turn the other cheek when someone is kneeling on your neck.