If my rich father just ignored my pleas for help I would shit on his silver platter, too.
If my rich father just ignored my pleas for help I would shit on his silver platter, too.
Similar to the ocean, but way better. Swimming in freshwater is amazing, you don’t have itchy salt on your skin after, even after drying off, and you don’t gag when someone splashes water in your mouth. It’s a wholly superior experience.
I went last summer, so I can’t go until summer 2017. Not sure how I’ll make it until then.
Mario Battali waxes poetic about his vacation (permanent?) house in Michigan. From his photos, it looks nice.
Alright, I’ve been sold. I need to go visit there now.
First time I saw Lake Michigan, it surprised me. I knew it was huge, but didn’t have a way to picture it in my mind.
Sleeping Bear has the best sunset views.
Yeah, I had no idea how beautiful it was until I went. Now my life plan consists of getting a job and a home in the country.
I know it’s hard to believe but Michigan is actually gorgeous. I wouldn’t have believed it until I went there myself.
Michigan is a secret treasure!!
these pictures are giving me cabin fever.
I mean how fucking beautiful is Sleeping Bear Dunes?!(Answer: so fucking beautiful)
It is fucking GORGEOUS here in the summer. Not to hot, a light breeze, and it stays light until like 9:30. Gorgeous lakes to swim in, great breweries everywhere. I say this as a recent transplant who was dubious.
sigh. i need to go back.