Karen Eckhoff

This is exactly what I thought when I saw it. Have we ever seen a white woman murdered by a black man on screen? I can't even think of one instance. And considering all the revenge fantasies that have made it to celluloid, isn't it about time for this one? How many black men have died for the perceived "soiling" of a

This show may indeed be hilarious and insightful, but I just can't get past the premise. Why weren't these responsible adults more…responsible? Never heard of the morning after pill if too drunk/stupid/passionate for condoms every time? Who decides to keep a baby with someone you only spent a week with? And of course,

Good points. I could only put my finger on the dialogue and the possibly obvious direction of the plot (oh no, aliens!) as being underwhelming, but this helps me see that there is more keeping me from connecting with this show.